Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010 at 08:23
Awww, come on you guys, speaka da english please.
USB - MP3 - ACC - IPOD ???????
Your talking to a bloke who listens to his music on a grammaphone and the news on the wireless [after the bloody thing warms up].....hahaha.
Must admit though, its hard to find AC/DC, Lady GAGA and Nirvana on 78's.
Next, you'll be trying to tell me they have brought out a 4by with coil
I have, however, heard of a new music format being developed that is going to revolutionise the music industry.......The CASSETTE TAPE.
Sounds interesting.
Anyway, my Australia Day morning coffee needs another dollop of scotch and Paula suggested we do something romantic today. Soooo we're going to spend the day sitting in the Nissan looking at old torn maps, breathing the dust from past trips, chipping dried mud from the roof lining and looking for the half pork sausage I dropped on our last trip....3 months ago.
Love the way somethings never change.
Have a great day guys.