Tuesday, Feb 09, 2010 at 16:19
hi folks
well i added the valvolene 2st racing oil $9.90ltr to my vw 1.9ltr diesel common rail injection engine
last sunday and have now done nearly 500km's
most of that towing a 6x4 trailer to
perth and back
and while there shifted my daughters and son in laws furniture to another rental clocked up 150km doing that and pulled some heavy loads with ease
car loaded as
well each trip did 16 loads had power to boot in the traffic
the vw is running much smoother and is now exceptionly quiet
particularly noticable on start-up it also has more power
as far as fuel consumption goes i'm reserving any comments about that until i do a couple of trips with/out a trailer in tow for a more accurate comparison
the most impressive thing i have noticed is >
that after idling at the traffic lights for long periods before adding the 2 stroke oil
it would puff out a cloud of
grey ash/dust from the cat convertor as i accellerated away from the lights
this was a regular thing in city traffic or after stopping at the first set of lights after a long road drive and idling for a period then taking off
grey ash /dust is totally absent now not a sign of it
i'm impressed enough to continue the use of the 2st oil additive in the diesel fuel tank and confident that it is going to be benificial to the engine ( having read all the forums and
blogs on it) not only now but in the long term
as an ex -farmer i have tried just about every additive that has come on the market over the years in various engines types
i can honestly say i have never been this impressed after trying something out
in the longer term only time will tell but it's all positive for me and will be keeping a watch
i already have fuel figures for the entire use of the vehicle since new 2005 now done 75000+ km's so will soon know if there is any change in fuel consumption down the track one way or other the vw is out of warranty so i carry the- can-!
cant buy the 2 stroke in wa as cheap as you guys are getting it in the east even at k-mart
so be it