Monday, Feb 01, 2010 at 11:35
G'day PJA 44/
As I say, if only I could have stood over the "Lazy buggers" ~ this was said purely in the sense, should someone be able to be watching their caravan, car, boat, house or whatever being built for them, the builders attention to detail would be 100%. The factory attention to detail during building is questionable ~ pre delivery attention to detail is questionable ~ how do I know this to be so ~ I actually own a Coromal caravan, which was purchased new ~ brand spanking new @ $50000 +
As I also say, the van suits our requirements to a T, I actually love the van for its comfortable to live with lay out, easy towing and its overall physical size makes it very off roadable. Its just a shame ~ the human element (attention to detail) can spoil what is a very nice product.
There were a couple of other minor detail issuse, but they pale into insignificance compared to the live pop rivet under the vinyl flooring ~ luckily the rivet is fairly obscure, but it just bugs me that its there.
The van is great ~ We love it. The builders and people who had any input into the van during its build ~ no beers for them.