Thursday, Feb 04, 2010 at 11:13
Like other replies I find it can be a tricky question Coot.
Its easy to say the lot , but cost is an issue.
Therefore I think the answer can only be in made in the knowledge of your potential trips and situation.
Never worried about them before as in remote trips we always go with someone and usually these devices exist in the group.
We hope to attend the July gathering in WA and then travel more or less straight up the Canning , probably by ourselves.
So in that situation the following would be true.
1/ Would be travelling with food/supplies for at least a week .
2/ While its remote , a day would not go by without passing vehicles provided you stick to main tracks.
3/ main risk factros are accidents & illness mechanical/ fuel issues.
Hence , low risk of requiring an EPIRB.
Spot systems , provide little support - but when they upgrade to a text based messaging system, watch out.
HF radio , is likely to be less reliable in the real sense of establishing a comms link
as they depend on antenna's etc , which its reasonable to assume could be damaged. They also need more operator skill.
In the senario I have painted , a good quality satphone is the likely best choice
considering also that it can be hired.