Ants ate tourist on the Tanami

Submitted: Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 08:51
ThreadID: 75792 Views:6208 Replies:18 FollowUps:15
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According to Grant Denyer, weatherman of Channel 7 TV, he has been told by the locals near Wolfe Creek Crater, that a bloke sleeping alongside the road was killed by a colony of ants some time ago.

Does anyone recall this incident or is it a bush myth?

Also the corrugations on the Tanami have done some damage to the weathermans VW Transporter. Ofcourse they never thought of taking

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Reply By: Geoff (Newcastle, NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:21

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:21
Spare weatherman?

Sometimes I wonder about that bloke!


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AnswerID: 402788

Reply By: Wayne (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:27

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:27

Never let the lack of research or truth get in the way of a good headline....

Killer ants at Wolfe Creek Crater.
The only ants that I have seen in that area are the termites that just love a good feed of grass seeds.
This is from the same bloke that when at Birdsville, thought that he was in the Great Sandy Desert.

He should not give up his day job.


AnswerID: 402790

Follow Up By: Member - Flynnie (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 21:57

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 21:57

When I was at Wolfe Creek the ants were so bad that I had a trained lizard to take care of them. No ants got in my pants ROTFL.

Image Could Not Be Found

Well it is Friday and the photo is truly from there.

FollowupID: 672445

Follow Up By: Member - Mal and Di (SA) - Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 19:49

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 19:49
Flynnie said he had a trained ant catcher. I believe him cos I've got one too.
Image Could Not Be Found
FollowupID: 672525

Reply By: PradOz - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:58

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:58
Hi Willem

yep indeed its true and Master Denyer better be careful out there. They are a breed of ants known as GI. If they stand on you ,well, your history, and because of Grant Denyer's size he better be extra careful. Remember when travelling out in them parts to watch out for the GI ants....
AnswerID: 402814

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:17

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:17
Hahahaha...Good one = GI-ANTS

FollowupID: 672298

Reply By: Motherhen - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:43

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:43
Nah, no Gi-ants left. The drop bear ate 'em all

Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 402830

Follow Up By: Road Warrior - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:30

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:30
Drop Bears also eat hoop snakes.

Looks like Mr Denyer's back is fully healed after his little monster truck mishap. Well, I would assume so because riding a postie bike on some of those roads is a sure fire way to find out!
FollowupID: 672337

Reply By: Mark, Michelle & Abraham (NT) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:04

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:04
After watching the footage this morning, I would suggest that maybe excess speed might have been a factor?. I did the Tanami from home (Yuendumu) to Halls Creek, GRR, Broome and back down the Tanami middle of last year with a Navara, three people and a loaded camper (carrying fuel) and did not even do a tyre. Admittedly I was taking it easy BUT!! And I had three spares and two cases in the event it all went to s....

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AnswerID: 402842

Reply By: olddigger - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:38

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:38
Would you care to comment on fuel figures for the Navarra? I fancy the vehicle, but I get mixed responses about fuel consumption. Thanks,
Cheers, Tony
AnswerID: 402859

Follow Up By: Mark, Michelle & Abraham (NT) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 17:04

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 17:04
Hi Tony
Have a 2005 3.0di D22 Navara. I live on the dirt basically and most of the driving is dirt road driving and long distance (600km return trip to town).
I don't pay a lot of attention to the consumption per se, however travelling with average load, no spare on the roof etc, we will get 700 odd kms out of the tank (75litres). Loaded up with the camper, canoe on the top, spare on the roof and heap of fuel and water I can go down to 400kms in a head wind.
Having said that have been a lot of places in the truck, with the camper and I am more than happy with the way it travels, drives and tows. I am used to paying high fuel prices, it is a fact of life in these areas with the isolation and the distances we travel so I just fill up when I have to and pay whatever is on the pump. Long way to walk if you don't. Hence we are not overly concerned with figures, just have an idea each time how far the next fuel is and carry enough extra if we need it.

Every place visited is a new experience.

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FollowupID: 672369

Reply By: Kim and Damn Dog - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 20:30

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 20:30
Eaten by ants on the Tanami.....!

By golly I’ll have to be careful from now on. The sales of Ant Rid will go through the roof after this post.

What’s next? Is the media going to tell us that flesh eating Hairy Nosed Wombats are running rampant in the high country? Fair dinkum...!

If some bloke carked it out there, the dogs would have got to him long before the ants.

Media bull tish as you know.



AnswerID: 402898

Reply By: john&thejayco - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 21:20

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 21:20
g'day all,
I here "man eaten by ants", I here there's termites out there.Could it be Pinochio's last stand.
AnswerID: 402901

Reply By: Tim HJ61 (WA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 22:02

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 22:02
It DID follow his gloomy story about breaking down near Wolfe Creek, so this story about the ants just added to giving the impression the outback is a dangerous place.

Nice story, shame about the facts.

One of the blog entries on the Sunrise website claims they saw 127km on the postie bike speedo and it does seem to be keeping remarkably clean and holding together for the country it is supposed to cover. Not a lot of scenes of him actually riding on dirt roads.

Compare this to Ross Noble's story of his tour around Oz whilst doing shows at regular intervals. Plenty of much more believeable stuff, seeing him in riding gear bathed in sweat, looking exhausted etc., and then backing up with a comedy show the same night he's ridden 600km.

On the bright side, Sunrise breakdowns might help reinforce to newbies the importance of knowledge and preparation before embarking on long trips. Even Ross Noble showed his flat battery caused by his own inadequate tightening of battery connections. All valuable lessons for anyone watching and learning.


AnswerID: 402909

Reply By: Ray - Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:08

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:08
Who is Grant Denyer??????
The truth should never stand in the way of a good story
AnswerID: 402938

Reply By: Member - Richard H - West NSW - Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 09:40

Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 09:40
Is Grant Denyer the fellow who is vertically challenged and does the weather on one of the early morning TV shows who thinks that he is funny.

As funny as an orphanage on fire, he's a galoot! Is this him?

AnswerID: 403055

Follow Up By: Willem - Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 09:51

Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 09:51

I would hve thought that my introduction of the subject matter would be self explanatory.

In answer to your question =Yes

FollowupID: 672554

Reply By: Grant Denyer - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 18:28

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 18:28
Intrepid travelers,

Grant Denyer from Sunrise here. Thanks for the warm comments about our recent weather segments, which I might ad, I'm very proud of.

As fellow lovers of this amazing country, I would have thought that someone who makes the effort to drag a broadcast team out of a stale studio environment and celebrate everything Australian has to offer... might get a little more support from like-minded bush-bashers like yourselves.

As a 4 generation farm-boy, I love this country and I work damn hard to inspire others to be as passionate and proud of our homeland and all it's amazing stories - myth or fact. It's entertainment guys, it's not 60 Minutes.

Yes we may not have been that organised or experienced in our outer reaches as you, but at least I gave it a red hot go to broadcast from towns and locations that 98% of the population has never even heard of.

You're right, I'm not a comedian but I always try and have a good old Aussie chuckle in the tiny 2 minutes i have every half hour.

We had serious balls to undertake that trip in the heat of summer, through the flooding wet season and yes, I rode my butt off on that bike. Not through water crossing or endless mud flats of course but dismissing our effort just because the bike was clean, is unAustralian.

With 5 official Guinness World Records and a top 10 finish at Bathurst to my name, I don't stuff around.

Of course you're free to beat your chest and rubbish our efforts, but at least we had a go.

Happy travels.

Grant Denyer
Sunrise Weatherman
AnswerID: 404071

Follow Up By: Shaker - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 19:16

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 19:16
Well said Grant!

It would be great if you could continue here with regular contributions.
FollowupID: 673739

Follow Up By: Member - Echidna - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:12

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:12
Hi Grant

'Like-minded bush bashers' is another irresponsible comment from yourself. If you are a 4th generation farm boy (sounds American) then that term does not belong with you.

But that aside. Please give us the thruth behind the Ants story you so briefly skirted upon in your broadcast.

FollowupID: 673746

Follow Up By: Member -Chops - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:21

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:21
Gday Grant,
Great to see the back has improved. Don't think I would like to ride the postie bike much in a day. Always a lot of negative comments on this site but some very knowledgeable people here too. I liked the series and lets a few of the townies see country that they wouldn't dream of travelling to. Maybe you should get into travel docos. Be a bit safer than the Supercars.
Cheers and best wishes
(Manager Texonsite in Perth. We met at the Ausdrill launch of the Rising Stars Team)
FollowupID: 673748

Follow Up By: get outmore - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 09:42

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 09:42
for starters we DO have farms in Austrlalia. not everything with a padock is a station

and Bush bashing used to be the term for getting out and about before 4wd forums decided it wasnt a politically correct term and started jumping up and down at its use

FollowupID: 673808

Follow Up By: Member - Echidna - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:37

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:37

Your 2cents worth just devalued

FollowupID: 673823

Reply By: Grant Denyer - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:42

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:42
Thanks for your responses guys.

Nothing wrong with the term "Bish bashers". Its very Australian. Down our way in Wagga that's what we called our banged up utes and shooting 4WDs. We bashed em around the bush. .

Americans don't even use the turm 'bush', so not sure why you're still at me over my herritage. I can assure you mate, our large sheep property has been in our family for over 100 years. Not sure where you're coming from. Doesn't matter.

As for the Ant story, it was told to me at an aboriginal community on the Tanami Track by the real 'Bush Mechanics' ad also by a documentary team who have been there for 17 months filming and working with the local tribes. That was my source.

Hope that answers your Q's.

AnswerID: 404089

Follow Up By: Member - Echidna - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 21:12

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 21:12
This post has been read by the moderation team and has been moderated due to a breach of The Personal Attacks Rule .

Forum Moderation Team
FollowupID: 673754

Follow Up By: Matt Davis - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 19:35

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 19:35
This post has been read by the moderation team and has been moderated due to a breach of The Inappropriate Rule .

Forum Moderation Team
FollowupID: 673909

Reply By: Gramps - Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:58

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010 at 20:58

That shut most of you up. Funniest thing I've seen on this site for years.

AnswerID: 404095

Follow Up By: get outmore - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 09:29

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 09:29
heck yea

any one that doubts ants can eat you alive in seconds should try standing on a meat ants nest

(they are about 1 cm long and a purple colour. they built nests wich are areas with just holes they dont have big piles around the hole and are common around southern WA at least probabally many other spots)
FollowupID: 673803

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:30

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:30
You want meat ants !! Go to Augathella , even a monument to "meat Ants"
FollowupID: 673820

Reply By: joff1 - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 13:18

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 13:18
BWAWAWAWAAAAA !!!! suck it up heros..

Reminds me of all the keyboard heros on the ADV Riders forum dissing Ewan McGreggor and Charley Boorman when they did Long Way Round.

Onya Grant, liven the dream. lol. Now, can you fix the bloody weather please mate?

AnswerID: 404155

Reply By: bundy - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 17:01

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 17:01
HAHAHAHAHA way to go Grant.
don't worry about these loungechair experts that think going bush involves a slow cruise up our highways in july.
this mob here could do with some good bush edumacation! :-)
keep doin what ya doin and have fun, these grumpy old nomads will get over it.

p.s if you can get rid of kosh and his dizzy sidekick, i might start watching sunrise ..lmao
AnswerID: 404192

Reply By: GU4Patrol - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 19:48

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 19:48
Hi ya Waterboy..........Yes Grant it's one of the VFT here to haunt ya.......

Don't let any of these nomad clowns (or ants for that matter.......) get to ya, they'll be to ones holding YOU up on the bitumen.......

Now keep an eye out for those errant water tanks and you'll be right........

Stay safe AND keep up the good work.

AnswerID: 404214

Reply By: get outmore - Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 20:01

Sunday, Feb 14, 2010 at 20:01
i just want to know when Sammi Lukkas is coming back?
AnswerID: 404216

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