Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:40
Totally agree Landy, especially when it shows the driver roaring through what looks like a suburban street - even if you could block off a section of road with a mate's car at each end (assuming that's what they did), this isn't going to prevent someone pulling out of one of those driveways...
A few things made me laugh though while watching the, er, 'professionalism' of the ACA production...
1/ the footage from inside the car had the "ACA Exclusive" logo on it - inside job? Even if not, they must have had contact with someone involved in making the footage
2/ There is an assumption that the driver is '
young' - statistically it seems likely, but it's not certain
3/ the 'so called' road safety expert is so expert that not even his name, credentials, nor the road safety organisation he represents can be provided - he looks like he was just anyone ask to make angry comments in what looks like it could even be the ACA editting room!
4/ the rent-an-irate-ranter exhibited symptoms of simply being angry for the sake of being angry, usually beyond the level warranted in the situation ie. he was so over-angry he forgot to make sense in what he said: "They should throw away the keys and lock him up!". Er, excuse me, shouldn't you lock someone up and THEN throw away the keys?!
5/ This is best one: even though the Police/RTA are unable to track down the driver from the registration number, ACA is going to track down the driver, presumably interview him/her and record and edit another 'exclusive' report, all in less than 24 hours ready for tomorrow night's program!
I haven't watched any of those programs ACA, TT, 4Corners, etc. for a long time after seeing the way they concoct stories from people with nothing better to do, whinging about non-events. Maybe someone from here can get them to make a story about
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