Bad Driving Setup

Submitted: Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:00
ThreadID: 75793 Views:3791 Replies:11 FollowUps:20
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We have often had links here to news stories about suspect
rescue situations, bad behaviour on our roads etc , and
I am always suspicous about the social engineering motives behind
some of the initial reports.

The other night though their was a classic when channel nine
attempted to almost completely fabricate a Hoon driver story.

The depth of this deception is almost unbelieveable and shows why
our inital reaction to such reports should be treated with caution.

Judge for Yourself !

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Robin Miller

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Reply By: Gronk - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:42

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:42
Hoon??? maybe, but the road was blocked off and he was going to kill no one else but himself...

Great car control....
AnswerID: 402802

Reply By: Wilko - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:51

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:51
Hi Robin,

IMHO News is about gossip, celebrities, and scandals nowadays. Nothing to do with facts or the truth.

The Major networks are rife with it and for good reason , It rates. It certainly doesn't make it right though.

I've been turning the TV off if there isn't anything "worth" watching and ACA isn't worth watching

Cheers Wilko
AnswerID: 402804

Reply By: Geoff (Newcastle, NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:55

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 10:55
The collective intellect of this country could be doubled in a single night if those "Current Affair" shows where removed from the idiot box.


Landcruiser HDJ78,
Grey hair is hereditary, you get it from children. Baldness is caused by watching the Wallabies.

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AnswerID: 402805

Follow Up By: Road Warrior - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:10

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:10
You're spot on with that one. I hate those stupid TT and ACA programs, they feed on (and to) people's stupidity.
FollowupID: 672297

Reply By: signman - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:07

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:07
And the 'carbon dioxide evangelists' continually showing footage of power stations-
pumping out tons and tons of..................water vapour !!

AnswerID: 402806

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:03

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:03
Now this was a serious OP. You believe your statement do you or was it an attempt at a Friday Funny?
FollowupID: 672308

Follow Up By: signman - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:15

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:15
Hiya Mfewster
It must be Friday...
Could you run that past me again ??

FollowupID: 672310

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:22

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:22
Hello Signman. You really believe that what comes out of Power station stacks is just water vapour?
FollowupID: 672311

Follow Up By: signman - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:55

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:55
Doh...I ain't that stoopid..most of the TV footage shown of the so called carbon dioxide output of power in fact footage taken of the nuclear power plants in France ...namely Saint Laurent and Cattenom (sp??)
The reason they use that footage is that it does look dramatic and effective with volumous clouds of water vapour being expelled...

FollowupID: 672316

Follow Up By: Member - Timbo - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:01

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:01
Like this one Signman?
Image Could Not Be Found
Note also the time of day the picture is taken so that the white steam looks dark, dirty and sinister...

I guess it is relevant since water vapour has a significantly greater impact on 'greenhouse effect' than CO2.
FollowupID: 672333

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:45

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:45
Signman, that's fair comment and I accept the point you were making in reference to the way news orgainizations operate. One of my points of difference with the Greens is that they won't accept nuclear power and of course ther is almost no cO2 emission from nuclear plants.
No Timbo, water vapour does not have a significantly greater impact on "greenhouse effect" than C02. The amount of water vapour the atmosphere can hold is a function of and directly proportional to the temperature of the air, assuming there is a body of water to supply the water in the first place.
I don't want to highjack Robin's original post further so I don't intend continuing this discussion here. But if you want to follow this up yourself, it was a central point (myth, one of many) claimed by Ian Plimer in his book "Heaven and Earth and since much repeated. It doesn't take much follow up on the internet to find his own universities Climate Dept's demolition of this argument.
FollowupID: 672341

Follow Up By: Honky - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:23

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:23

Can you expoain to me what else comes out of the steam stacks as i also believe it is steam.
If they ever do show the exhaust of a power station it is nearly always just a heat haze and not much smoke.
Not as spectaculair.
Until you can show me differently I consider your statement the same as the greens have used in my area when pushing for national parks and accuse the current timber industry of cutting down trees that are thousands of years old.
They stand next to these large stumps and get their photo taken even though the stumps have been cut down many many years ago.

FollowupID: 672352

Follow Up By: Rob! - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:28

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:28

I think the point signman is trying to make is that the media , to hype up a story, use images that have little or nothing to do with the issue they are reporting on.
FollowupID: 672354

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 23:09

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 23:09
Agreed Rob, and I was trying to show that I accepted that that was what he had meant when I wrote follow up 6.

Honky however just doesn't get it. What comes out nuclear stacks is mainly steam from the cooling process in nuclear reactors. What comes out the stacks at coal fired generators is very different. Lots of Co2 (which you don't see as it is an invisible gas. But it is what Carbon Fenestration is all about. And if you don't know what this is Honky, check it out. It is what both Howard and Rudd want us to spend billions on in the desperate hope that they can catch and bury the CO2 from coal generators and therefore keep selling lots of Australian coal. Most scientists don't think it is possible, but there is some difference of opinion on this. The other stuff that goes out the stacks in coal fired generators, and that you can see, is also nasty, but just what it is depends on the coal being burnt. Any time anything is burnt Honky, you get Co2. Nothing is burnt in the nuclear process.
Re.the stumps Honky, they are reminding you of what our forests once were like. We need to preserve as much old growth forest as possible, there is very little of it left.
FollowupID: 672459

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:25

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:25
Sorry, Follow up 9 post. that should have been Carbon sequestration. Fenestration is not the same thing.
FollowupID: 672475

Reply By: Rockape - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:08

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:08
why the media has to look for BS stories I will never know, there are plenty of genuine stories out there to film or write about.

Ever time we have a bit of a blow or some extra rain the same stories appear.

For example, Mackay being evacuated recently, roads cut and impassable for days and on the same day I have driven to Townsville easily with a max of 125mm over the road.

Friends ring up and ask if you are all right, having been fed half truths and sometimes outright BS.

Guess we won't change it though, I am going to get a to Picture magazine where you always get true stories or maybe I will get in touch with my female side and get New Idea instead.

I be thinking that some of those jurno's need their Hymen broken.

AnswerID: 402807

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:51

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:51
Hi Rockape

That was more my angle in putting up the post - I was thinking of the troppy rollover off a sand dune which was all over the news and this site september last.

I went thru all the searches/stories I could think of before I finally came up with what I had heard - > that it was not actually the police that found him but another 4wdriver.

Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 672315

Reply By: Member - TonBon (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:08

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 11:08
Just another reason why the only news programs shown on my TV are SBS News.
AnswerID: 402808

Reply By: The Landy - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:51

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:51
Social Engineering….like the term, but maybe we can’t ‘see the wood because of the trees’ in this instance.

Perhaps ACA has something to answer for; but what about these questions…..

Was it appropriate the footage was shot on a public road?

What safety precautions were put in place to protect other road users (mates putting their vehicles at either end wouldn’t necessarily constitute safety)?

Did they have approval from the appropriate authorities to conduct the test on the public road, and the authority to close the road?

What insurance implications arose from the use of a public road for this type of activity, and who would pay for damage to any infrastructure if it occurred?

You should get the idea of where I’m coming from………

If the answer to these questions is no, then perhaps he was a ‘hoon’ regardless of the way in which ACA presented the story. Should we condone the driver’s actions regardless of the ACA angle?

I think not….

Ps: I don't watch Current Affairs Programs....for this very reason!
AnswerID: 402820

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:43

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:43
Hi Landy

Some of those are valid questions Landy , however none of that angle was even hinted at in the show.

I would love see how ACA can get out of what seems balant mistruths, espically if ch7 picks up on it which they usually do.

Perhaps they will divert to this angle to deflect the backlash which is apparently already occurring , on the other hand they might just admit to a complete stuff up - but then I could be dreaming.

Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 672313

Follow Up By: Member - Donks1 (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:50

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 13:50
G'day Robin

Maybee "MEDIA WATCH" will hear about it too

FollowupID: 672314

Follow Up By: landed eagle - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 14:19

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 14:19
I wonder what sort of hatchet job Nine will do to the Top Gear show now it has bought the rights?
I think I'll be recording it and fast forwarding the ads.......will only take about 25 mins to watch now.
FollowupID: 672324

Follow Up By: landed eagle - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 14:34

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 14:34
I also hope the road safety expert who was viewing the tape with horror will ask channel nine about the validity of anything else they bring his way to comment on.The crikey report only makes him look like an un-informed idiot.

ACA only has to go to any industrial estate after hours to see all the drifters and burnout kings doing their thing. They dont need to plagiarise other peoples original work, no matter how controversial/sensational it is.
FollowupID: 672325

Follow Up By: Member - Timbo - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:40

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:40
Totally agree Landy, especially when it shows the driver roaring through what looks like a suburban street - even if you could block off a section of road with a mate's car at each end (assuming that's what they did), this isn't going to prevent someone pulling out of one of those driveways...

A few things made me laugh though while watching the, er, 'professionalism' of the ACA production...
1/ the footage from inside the car had the "ACA Exclusive" logo on it - inside job? Even if not, they must have had contact with someone involved in making the footage
2/ There is an assumption that the driver is 'young' - statistically it seems likely, but it's not certain
3/ the 'so called' road safety expert is so expert that not even his name, credentials, nor the road safety organisation he represents can be provided - he looks like he was just anyone ask to make angry comments in what looks like it could even be the ACA editting room!
4/ the rent-an-irate-ranter exhibited symptoms of simply being angry for the sake of being angry, usually beyond the level warranted in the situation ie. he was so over-angry he forgot to make sense in what he said: "They should throw away the keys and lock him up!". Er, excuse me, shouldn't you lock someone up and THEN throw away the keys?!
5/ This is best one: even though the Police/RTA are unable to track down the driver from the registration number, ACA is going to track down the driver, presumably interview him/her and record and edit another 'exclusive' report, all in less than 24 hours ready for tomorrow night's program!

I haven't watched any of those programs ACA, TT, 4Corners, etc. for a long time after seeing the way they concoct stories from people with nothing better to do, whinging about non-events. Maybe someone from here can get them to make a story about forum moderation: "They took my $30 and then they deleted my reply from their site" :-)
FollowupID: 672360

Reply By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:04

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 15:04
That clown blaming Top Gear for the increase in hooning !!!

Whats he trying to say ?

If they stop televising Bathurst, it will halve the road toll.......'friutloop'

AnswerID: 402843

Follow Up By: Member - Tony V (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:09

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:09

I was in one of fortunate situations when CH 7 and Ch9 had the footage of the same hoon. I could catch both show as the time was nearly in sync.

Ch9 was showing the Hoon who was auditioning to be "Stig" for th Australian Top Gear, the hoon did not get the job.
Meanwhile Ch7 were saying that Top Gear creates hoons, and "Expert" whatching Clarkson on their test track, said that this sort of thing on the road encourages hoons and that Top Gear was the main culprit !!!!!

Never been in the Bathhurst area (or any motor race) after the race and watched the boy smoke it up????

Now it just so happens that Ch9 will be televising Top Gear...

Absoultely nothing said when it was on SBS or after the Top Gear show last year....

Gotta love gutter press.
FollowupID: 672348

Follow Up By: Member - Timbo - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:43

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 16:43
You reckon it's a plug for the Aussie Top Gear then, Tony?!
FollowupID: 672362

Follow Up By: Member - Tony V (NSW) - Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 17:46

Friday, Feb 05, 2010 at 17:46

I think Ch9 where trying to do a Hoon story that just happened to be about a guy who auditioned for the Aussie Stig role. They wer not being nice to the guy.

Ch7 jumped on it and whent the whole hog against Top Gear..

And it just so happend that the UK Top Gear will be shown on Ch9 in the next couple of weeks....

As I said this video has been around for 2 years (2008)

This was never raised when Top Gear wason SBS.... only now its on Ch9

YouTube Aussie TopGear Auditions (click here)

FollowupID: 672379

Reply By: Ray - Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:02

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:02
I would guess that the "Hoon" generation would not watch much SBS as you have to read a lot of sub titles which would not be possible for most of them and therefore they would not have watched much of Top Gear.
Now a commercial station has the rights to broadcast Top Gear to show will have a greater following.
I for one will no longer be watching Top Gear as I also cannot stand all the bull++++ that the commercial stations transmit. Give me good old aunty and SBS.
AnswerID: 402937

Reply By: OzTroopy - Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:40

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 10:40
Excellent thread Robin ....

I couldn't agree more with your comment ...

"The depth of this deception is almost unbelieveable and shows why our inital reaction to such reports should be treated with caution. "

Whats really sad is that trashy, so called journalism is swallowed up by a gullible viewing public as fact.

I think the " social engineering " you mention has been already successful to a certain extent.
AnswerID: 402941

Reply By: Member - Royce- Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 23:44

Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 23:44
Wow! Can't believe that this thread has been okayed as 'on topic'.

I'm not complaining mind you... interesting discussion.

AnswerID: 403023

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