Tuesday, Feb 09, 2010 at 19:42
Olcoolone and everyone else,
This post was never meant to generate angst amongst
forum members. One of the things I like about this
forum is the ability to discuss things openly and frankly, as long as we remain polite.
Olcoolone I still believe you are out of line. You don't have all the facts and have made a judgement based on a couple of lines of text. Inflection is difficult to communicate in text and maybe that is part of the problem.
If it will appease you in any way look at what Sir Kev said. If it is the law you are concerned about then I can honestly say I did not break the law. In fact it could be argued that had I not travelled as quickly as I did then I would have been in breach laws other than the MTA.
It was a long drive, Road, traffic and weather conditions varied considerably during its course and I believe that I travelled safely at all times. Some may chose to argue, as you have, but I was the only one there. Some of the time I was travelling quickly and at other times I was going very slow. The half metre deep
creek crossing slowed me down considerably and while I enjoy the challenge of such a crossing it was not welcome that particular day.
This thread was not meant to provoke argument I was and still am somewhat bemused that a navigation device which obviously works off a programmed set of directives could provide me with two entirely different routes between the same two
places. That was what I was asking about. It did the same to me today, suggesting I take a road that even the locals can't find when I was heading out of town but bringing me back via the main road.
Anyway lets just settle down and enjoy what we have in common. A love of being out there having a look around.