Submitted: Monday, Oct 06, 2003 at 14:55
ThreadID: 7638 Views:3491 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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I have just put BFG Goodridge A/T TA 275/70 R16 on the truck and was wondering what sort of PSI people are running with i had on the stock std bridgestone 275/70 R16 693 and the BFG tyres are supposed to be 1 ply stonger on the wall but with the same PSI 37 the tyres bow out a lot more on the wall than the Bridgestone is this normal.
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Reply By: Member - Bill- Monday, Oct 06, 2003 at 15:23

Monday, Oct 06, 2003 at 15:23
Yep, run the same pressures..Regds

AnswerID: 32885

Reply By: Moose - Tuesday, Oct 07, 2003 at 13:39

Tuesday, Oct 07, 2003 at 13:39
It's not the number of plies but the thickness of each layer that counts. From what a tyre dealer told me the BFG's run 3 thinner ones that are in effect no more puncture resiatant than a 2 ply tyre with the thicker layers. It's just a marketing ploy!
As far as pressure goes have you tried the 4 psi thing. Pump them up to what you think you need. Go for a run until they reach normal running temp. Take pressure again. If you have about a 4 psi increase then original pressure was OK. If greater than 4 psi increase then the starting pressure was too low. The opposite also applies. Of course ambient temps will affect this and if going from a warm climate to a cold one (or reverse) you'd need to make some adjustment to get back to 4 psi change. Also only applies to bitumen driving.
AnswerID: 32987

Reply By: shaggy - Wednesday, Oct 08, 2003 at 18:06

Wednesday, Oct 08, 2003 at 18:06
I've got 285/75/16 BFG A/Ts which have done a hell of a lot of offroading. Just done an Outback Trip 7000ks more than half on dirt/sand. On road I keep them at 40 psi, as soon as I hit dirt they go to 25 psi, and in really soft sand where im pretty confident wont have rocks or other nasties, they go to 16. Just dont turn hard or go too fast (any faster then lowrange will go). Otherwise they will overheat or roll off the rim. Get a set of Staun tyre deflators and a compressor and you wont regret it. Havent had a single puncture yet. They are about 40000 ks old and still more than half tread. They are on an 80 series diesel cruiser with twin airlockers and steel rims... hope that helps.
AnswerID: 33149

Follow Up By: 10 Para- Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 08:12

Sunday, Oct 12, 2003 at 08:12
hI Shaggy thanks for that i note that you are running 285/75 as mine are 275/70 R16 i have meved my to 40psi and they look better now i find nothing wrong with the ride on the black top however i was concerned about the bulge in the wall of the tyre as we are off to New Zealand with the truck and will be doing a lot of river work on rocks and was worried that the side would puncture have you used them over stony ground and rocks and if so what psi.
FollowupID: 24027

Reply By: sean - Thursday, Oct 09, 2003 at 19:19

Thursday, Oct 09, 2003 at 19:19

I had 2 sets of BFG's and found that 32 - 37 was the minimum. Any lower and I got too much side wall bulge and this puts the wall at risk. I did one almost new tyre with 800ks on it by slicing the sidewall on a rock. I ran them as high as 50 with no probs.

The sidewall states that the maximum load rating is at about 65psi. I really cant see the problem with the high pressures except the ride is a little harder. I have 50psi(warm) in my current tyres and the ride is superb??? so why the need for low pressures.

I found that they are a very good and robust tyre, that run very cool, and give excellent milage on mainly highway use. But on dirt roads they chipped away very quickly and for this reason I have gone away from them becuase at times I do lots of dirt roads.

If it was not for the chipping, I would have stayed with them.

AnswerID: 33267

Reply By: davo - Tuesday, Oct 14, 2003 at 14:41

Tuesday, Oct 14, 2003 at 14:41
I have had a set of bfg a/t 265/75/16 on my gq patrol for 70000 ks and found that if the pressure is bellow 40- 45 psi they tend to chop out both sides of the tread.Indicating that they were underinflated. I didnt notice the problem for the first 20000ks so now have to live the exess wear on the outside tread.
Chears Davo
AnswerID: 33740

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