Tsunami warning! What Tsunami warning?

Submitted: Monday, Mar 01, 2010 at 22:30
ThreadID: 76468 Views:3488 Replies:14 FollowUps:8
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Hi all

Mate of mine was camping on the beach on the surf side of Morton Island last Saturday night. First he heard of the Tsunami warning was when he travelled back to the western side of the island and he sparked up a conversation with other campers. That was Sunday afternoon and he wasn't too impressed!

I would have thought that people camping on the beach would be pretty susceptible to even a fairly minor Tsunami. And given that my mate didn't have mobile phone coverage, it would have been a good gesture to have the rangers let the campers know, or even a chopper with a loud speaker to warn them.

My concern is the new mobile phone early warning system will become a one size fits all. So now when we've got an impending emergency all the govt has to do is send a text message to all the punters and that's enough.

What do others think?


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Reply By: Member - Porl - Monday, Mar 01, 2010 at 23:21

Monday, Mar 01, 2010 at 23:21
Well if you had telstra you'd have had mobile coverage on the surf side of Moreton.

I plan to be there soon but with Vodaphone now I don't have much expectation.

Did the tidal surge bring you any extra fish?
AnswerID: 406796

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:49

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:49
Porl , the telstra map may show coverage on the eastern /surf side of Moreton but in reality the dead spots far outweigh actual reception areas.
FollowupID: 676638

Reply By: D200Dug- Monday, Mar 01, 2010 at 23:33

Monday, Mar 01, 2010 at 23:33
Wow we really do expect a lot don't we, I do not see how it would be possible or practical to warn every camper on the east coast of Australia in the time that was available.

Warnings were put out over ABC radio to stay away from the waters edge and that it was not going to be a large wave just a possible surge and strong currents.

I guess if people swam in patrolled beach areas as recommended they would be safe enough as the life guards would want them.
AnswerID: 406800

Reply By: Hairs & Fysh (NSW) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 05:47

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 05:47
Bit of a no win situation really.
Look at all those that ignored the directions of Surf Life Savers.
Damned if you do & damned if you don't kinda thing.
But I do think your mate is asking a bit much, because do really feel that every beach along the East Coast should of had a Chopper fly over it on the chance someone was camping?
What about, all the people that will not listen to the next warning when given out? Then they will be blaming someone else if they don't take action and an actually Tsunami does come.
I've never been to Morton Island camping, is there a register of some kinda that will pin point where each and every camper is? Or do and can people camp where ever they like?
This might seem a bit harsh towards your mate, but lets get a bit realistic about things.

AnswerID: 406816

Follow Up By: Rob! - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:05

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:05
Yes, there is a register of who is camped where on Moreton, as you have to book a spot and pay before you go.
FollowupID: 676646

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:24

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:24
Rob! Even though nowadays your supposed to pick a campsite number , on the eastern side there is still a heap of campsites hidden behind the dunes especially south of the Blue Lagoon regimented campsite.
FollowupID: 676650

Follow Up By: Rob! - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:59

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:59
Still, when you book you have to specify which zone you will be camping in so the rangers know exactly how many campsites are in each area.

Having said that the rangers apear to have assesed the risk and not warned the campers. It appears their assesment of that risk was correct.
FollowupID: 676656

Reply By: get outmore - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 06:59

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 06:59
if hes so worried about missing out on warnings of any kind he really needs to invest in a $20 am/fm radio instead of trying to shift blame/responsability

ABC frequently isue warnings of all kinds, mostly severe weather and fire but in this case tsunami

if hes to cool to tune into auntie dont blame others

you cant warn those who dont want to listen
AnswerID: 406819

Reply By: Gramps - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 07:25

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 07:25
Just another fool who expects everyone else to look after him. As per an above post, tell him to invest a couple of bucks in his OWN safety.

AnswerID: 406822

Reply By: Member - DAZA (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 08:52

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 08:52
G/Day Geoff

As a rule the Rangers on Moreton Island are on the ball as far as emergencies go, I have seen them react when they had a scrub fire over there, and warned Campers ect, maybe they didn't have any info about the Tsunami Warning.

AnswerID: 406830

Reply By: MrBitchi (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:01

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:01
A couple of years ago we were on Fraser when a Tsunami alert was issued. The Rangers went to all the campsites on the beach and told everyone to evacuate to high ground NOW.

So we all went up to the Orchid Beach shop for a while and ate all Judy's pies and Ice Creams ;-)
AnswerID: 406831

Reply By: vk1dx - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:04

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 09:04
In this post I am referring to those places where you do not have coverage from your mobile phone carrier of choice.

For those areas you have to look after yourselves. Do as your parents did. Get the shortwave tranny radio out, find some batteries and next time you go there with a cuppa, or whatever in hand, at 6PM tune in to Radio Australia on shortwave and listen to the radio. We always have since I was in school.

Radio Australia

AnswerID: 406832

Reply By: parjopete - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:53

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 11:53
i heard of one of my mothers sons over in the land of the long white cloud was told not go diving as there wad a tsunami warning, he in turn laughed and went anyway, got back and said they were diving in water over there heads then all of a sudden they were in waist deep , thought it was funny, go ask yourself. no wonder i became an Australian.
AnswerID: 406854

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 12:21

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 12:21
I for one don't believe that any government agency is capable of warning everyone about anything on time. Their processes are quite complex and then they have to weigh it up and decide if to cause a panick or let it pass. This is all from the same people that give you the health system, tax, schools and a range of other expensive services.

I have to admit that they exceeded my expectations with this alert.

Kind regards
AnswerID: 406859

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 14:16

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 14:16

Whether you are travelling or just out and about ultimately it is up to you (or your mate) to be responsible for your own safety. The easiest way to do that is to listen to the radio - there are hourly news and weather bulletins on ABC stations - it only takes 5 minutes.

Its not just tsunamis, its cyclones, heavy rain, floods, fires, windstorms etc. Hopefully we will never reach such a nanny state of affairs that we need to have a message sent to our mobiles for each and every possible situation.


J and V
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AnswerID: 406875

Reply By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 14:27

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 14:27
When camping or at home I still listen to ABC News each morning - if only to find out what I'm not missing out on back in the real world. If camping at Moreton Island reception would be quite good and if I hadn't taken the 'trannie' then I would turn the AM/FM radio on in the 4WD - it's has a much stronger receiver anyway. That way I would have found out about the earthquake south of Okinawa and the one in Chile and would automatically discuss this around the camp - and think about tsunami and talk about it.
This might sound a little simplistic - but I simply hate morning TV (and I'm campind remember with no TV for heck's sake), love morning radio, love current affairs but hate 'reality shows'. Radio allows you to do other things at the same time as listening.
So, I'm with the others above who suggest good old fashioned radio would be the way to go - very few vehicles don't have radios in them so there really isn't any excuse, particularly as emergency warnings are frequently given out on radio.
As for the people who stood at the beach waiting for it - or went swimming at the time it was due to hit, regardless of the Lifesavers warnings - well I find that difficult to comprehend. Shows an incredible lack of respect for themselves, their children and particularly the volunteers trying to protect them.
AnswerID: 406877

Follow Up By: equinox - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:17

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:17
Hi Ruth,

Auntie is my link to the world when I'm away and I listen to it whenever I can, which is usually only at night. Auntie is my security blanket :))


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FollowupID: 676773

Reply By: Gramps - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 17:15

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 17:15
I think you'll find that a lot of people ignored the warning because of the many previous tsunami warnings we've been treated to since 'the big one' happened - with NO warning. It's getting to be a bit like 'the boy who cried wolf'.

NO - I do not necessarily agree with their attitude either.

AnswerID: 406908

Follow Up By: get outmore - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 17:49

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 17:49
in fairness the warnings clearly said dangerous inundating waves were not expected and the warning was for boating. swimming and beachside

although they did say not to go down to check it out
FollowupID: 676722

Follow Up By: BuggerBoggedAgain - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:04

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:04
People go down or go to bushfires because they lead bored lives living in a city and Australia is far away from major catastrothic weather patterns, apart from Vic fires and Newcastle earthquake, but these are so far apart.

look at accident scenes, if everybody didn't slow down to gawk, there would be no traffic jams, look at all the surfers in the background when beaches are closed, look at all the kids swimming in swollen rivers during floods having fun until someone drowns, how about the couples who think their 4WD is a submarine and can ford swollen creeks ending up drowned or swept away.

Our king tides cause more damage than tsunami waves, most of Old Bar beach has been swept away in last four months and three houses demolished by water/waves.

H,mmm don't own a mobile or radio, don't listen to car radio either, watch 6pm news at night but when we go away, we leave mod. cons behind, the idea is to get away from civilisation not take it with us, after 46 yrs of bush trekking I've got a pretty good lie of weather patterns and bush-speak, when I see ants carrying their eggs to higher ground, liquid moisture comin
FollowupID: 676771

Reply By: Hairy (NT) - Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:13

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:13
Hahahahahaha.. that's shocking!
Next you'll be telling us they don't deliver pizzas either?

AnswerID: 406950

Follow Up By: gelatr- Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:22

Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 21:22
Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback. I tend to agree with most of it.

Especially with regard to listening to the radio for up to date information. In this day and age I think we all tend to rely on the latest gadgets and technology to keep us informed. Big mistake when you are not connected.

I suppose that I was most interested in the role of the new early warning system used by the govt to warn us of impending emergencies. I believe that for the average punter there will be a tendency to rely on this when, as some of you stated, we need to take responsibility for gaining this type of information ourselves.

Once again thanks for your input and feedback.


FollowupID: 676776

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