Tuesday, Mar 02, 2010 at 20:27
We use the NEC S2 version, we replaced the antenna ($1200) early last year and my partner broke it late last year by hitting it against a tree branch whilst 4x4ing (She went by her self with some friends), we sent it in to see if the could repair it...and they did, under warranty.
It is a very good system but most people think spending $2000 on a Satellite phone let alone $6000 to $8000.
We are like you and use it for work, we are looking at the Thuraya system at the moment for three of our service vehicles, mainly due to cost and the guys can use them away from the vehicles.
To bad our mobile phone are all on the NextG network and not Optus.
Hopefully they will live up to the reliability and coverage of the current Mobilesat system.