Saturday, Mar 06, 2010 at 14:01
G'day Rod,
I have previously owned a BMW 528i (a couple of years old at the time) and towed a poptop van with it,as they do all over europe. It got hot in heavy traffic and I blew the head gasket just as I arrived at a CP on the
gold coast. The local BMW place reckoned it was a regular problem with all the Mercs and BM limos on the coast and they always fitted a lower rated thermostat. I did that, and it was fine after that. Toyota don't have one.
There is a bit of fuzzy logic involved in whether what I have done will be good or bad. If I drop back a gear to get the water pump running at a higher speed am I not putting out more HP and creating more heat?
Anyway I have gone down this path, and will report if it worked to my satisfaction when I give it a serious load
It didn't cost me very much. You have more faith in the vehicle designers than I have. Toyota recalls, Prius brakes, 200 series tailshafts etc.
I am still very happy with the vehicle's performance. I aready said I replaced the radiator with a bigger one and have no Jumbo lights fitted.