Tuesday, Mar 09, 2010 at 23:59
Sounds like King Ash would suit, all sorts of fishing available. With the Roper, upstream is Barra only, closer to the mouth you will get variety. We
camp at
Roper Bar “
camp ground”. Camping is cheap and it has
toilets, showers and running river water, shade and is usually not to crowded. This is barra fishing only, you can run downstream from here but it’s a LONG way to the mouth. It is possible to fish upstream from the Bar but you need to get over 2
rock bars, so really only viable for small boats, you also need to get in the water twice and I know for a fact that a 16 foot black lizard lives around there! ? down stream from the bar there are some rocks in the first few km’s it then opens up to a big river with a clear run for many
miles(you will eventually get to more rocks and sand bars though). You can also fish the Wilton and Hodgson rivers which are a short run down from the bar, BEWARE, both these rivers have a lot of rocks! You can also
camp at a place called Tomato Island which is about half way to the mouth I think, It is crowded and has no
toilets(where everyone craps is a mystery I don’t wish to solve!)
We are in the process of educating ourselves about our GPS, I would like to make a map of at least part of the river one day as a guide for other travels. You have missed the runoff, it’s on now and only lasts a short time. Remember for the Roper live bait is the go.
If you would like more specifics about getting bait, where the rocks are(at least some of them ? )etc drop us a line. I hope to have some brag Photo’s from our trip in about a month!
Cheers Lyndon