Thursday, Oct 09, 2003 at 14:58
I agree Member Gob that Mt Skene probably was packed weith snow on Monday but so was Mt Buller and Mt Stirling on monday too. I live here and drive to work on Buller every day and I am telling you that since monday we have lost over 2 foot of snow from Buller and Stirling. I am looking at stirling now and there is only about 1/8th cover on the southern side. The northern side I have been told has less (this is where the sun shines directly). I can see Skene from the front entry to my office and I am telling you that there is only a hint of white on the very top. The whole north side is green.
Mr Srowlandson, chains do help in deep snow believe me. I have had 19 years experience driving and living in Canadian Rockies, European Alps USA rockies and the Australian and NZ alps. I have never had to lower tyre pressures at all and have gone through 3 foot falls on the Alpine way and the Hotham rd on many occasions. A lot of it in a 72 model HQ with a 202 and a 3 on the tree. The snow was up to the grill and with a bit of clever driving and chains we did almost 40 kms in these conditions.
You mention that you need a lot of cubic inches to get through real deep fresh powder which blows your comment about "drive REAL slow (1st low, at idle) and you will make progress" out of th water. Low gearing and care will work better than a lot of cubic inches if it is deep.
Big agressive
tyres is a crock of bleep e. Anyone who lives and works in the snow knows that the skinny
tyres are the best on all types of snow (except maybee for glaciers and the polar
ice caps). All business operators, taxi companies, buslines, garbage collecters, snow plows etc etc all around the world in resorts and towns that get snow use the skinny
tyres as they cut in and get traction. I have fat
tyres and occasionally struggle in some conditions where skinny
tyres make it up without trouble. Fat
tyres also skid a bit more when going downhill and cornering.
Whatever works for you is fine snowlandson. I am just letting you know from my experience.