dog friendly beach camping between jurien and kalbarri

Submitted: Monday, Mar 15, 2010 at 21:29
ThreadID: 76905 Views:6422 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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been to jurien a few too many times, trying to find somewhere to go over the easter break between jurien and kalbarri, preferably where not a lot of people go (yes, seems silly to ask on here as now every man and his dog (boom tish) will know now!).

any suggestions?
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Reply By: TrevorMR (WA) - Monday, Mar 15, 2010 at 22:09

Monday, Mar 15, 2010 at 22:09
A couple of places we overnighted about 6 weeks back with our dog.

The first is about 10Kms north of Jurien. It is owned by the Shire and is situated just behind low dunes from a very attractive beach/bay. It has very clean composting toilets (no showers) and an on-site supervisor who collects your money - $15 per night from memory. It is a few Kms along a gravel road and there is a sign at the turnoff from the main road

The second is at Cliff Head North, 51Kms north of Leeman and 6Kms south of the junction with the Brand Highway. There are no facilities and no fees. Lots of sea weed on the beach but good for a couple of nights.
AnswerID: 409006

Follow Up By: uneekwahn - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:51

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:51
Hi Trevor,

The first one you mention (Sandy Cape?) is where we usually go when @ Jurien. Over xmas just gone we had to contend with swarms of bees during the week we were there. Not a lot of fun really :)

The second one I wasn't aware of, I will see what I can dig up on it on the net today.

Many thanks for the response.


FollowupID: 679026

Reply By: pop2jocem - Monday, Mar 15, 2010 at 22:13

Monday, Mar 15, 2010 at 22:13
"preferably where not a lot of people go"
that phrase tells me you have never tried that stretch of coast during the easter break. A mate of mine that lives in Cervantes swears he locks himself in the house or comes to Perth during that holiday. He reckons you could find a less crowded spot in the Hay street mall. The good lady and I took a drive up the tracks from Lancelin about 12 years ago with the idea of camping one night somewhere for a quiet spot of fishing before calling in to see him. Even that long ago we couldn't find a sand dune to camp behind that didn't have at least one car already there.
I don't think your dog will be a problem, finding a quiet spot....... well that's another story.

Good luck

Cheers Pop
AnswerID: 409009

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