Holland Track Feedback

We did the Holland Track on the October long weekend. I had a 93 Pajero towing a trailer with all our camping gear. Lucky for us the track was dry. There are many signs where, in the wet, many have come to grief. The track is just that. A mixture of outback grey sand, smooth rock and lots and lots of twists and turns. Especially when you travel through wooded outcrops. Camping is great. There are many historical sights to see. But you must keep your eyes peeled. We took our time. Travelling at an average speed of 45 - 50kph we took a day and a half. At the half way point dont forget to sign the visitors book. Victoria Rocks has an awesome camp spot. The sun coming up in the morning is a reward for being in the lonely spot.
If you want to brave the wet season, i may suggest some mud tyres and a lift kit to keep your 4wd out of the deep bog ruts.
I give this track a 4/10. A 4wd is not required unless travelling in the wet. For scenery maybe a 4/10. The salt bushes have been burned to sticks. The camp areas (take a pick) 7/10 and Victoria Rocks 8/10 for the view and the exercise....Happy travelling. Take a book if you are passenger
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Reply By: Member - mazcan - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 13:16

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 13:16
hi a henson
your general description is ok but i found it a lot more interesting than you did
as i would'nt suggest that the passenger needed to take a book to read except for---- the holland track book --- which would be the thing to take as it gives you all the interesting things to do and see along the way
but then
all due respects to you as we all enjoy trips in different way
AnswerID: 409089

Reply By: briggzee (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 16:42

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 16:42
AHenson, Thanks for the track report. We were thinking of doing the Holland track on the way to Wiluna in June. We have a dual cab colorado towing an offroad jayco dove with heavy duty suspension/tyres etc. We were unsure of the width of the track as we dont want to rip the sides of the camper as it is wider than the vehicle. dont mind scratches but a gouge down the side would tend to spoil our trip! How bad are the twists and turns? Do you think its possible, assuming no rain?
Thanks, briggzee
AnswerID: 409108

Follow Up By: Ozhumvee - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 17:32

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 17:32
We travelled from the Hyden end in July, camped about 20k in where the track does a big dogleg and there were some big trees. Started raining about 8pm and fell down all night. The bogholes all joined together and then overflowed as it continued to rain on and off. After having the bow wave up to the windscreen a few times we called it quits at the first opportunity (about 40k in) and withdrew.
While the Humvee fitted ok for most of it we did get a few pinstripes when the slippery conditions caused us to slip into the ruts and then the scrub on occasions.
I'd imagine the Jayco would get a few pinstripes as it would cut the corners and also may slip into the ruts, many of which are very deep.
FollowupID: 679068

Follow Up By: briggzee (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 20:12

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 20:12
thanks for that. I was thinking that any sign of rain and we wouldn't even try and go through. (the handbrake in the passengers seat would make sure of that!!!)
Cheeers, Briggzee
FollowupID: 679087

Follow Up By: Member - Tony S (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 23:40

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 at 23:40
Goon on ya Briggzee and handbrake.
A lot of hard work was put into re-opening that track a few years ago. It would be a pity to see it closed again. If it has been raining out there stay away. You can see where yobbos have been doing wheelies etc... around some of the rocky outcrops. Just because it was wet. Not referring to you Peter, you turned around and came out. Alot of them just keep going and wreck the track - just for fun.

The rig

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FollowupID: 679124

Reply By: AHenson - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:01

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:01
To those readers who answered to my comments, i apolgise if i made the Holland Track sound boring.
In answere to Bridzee, i would not attemptto do this treck withanything larger than a Nissan or Toyota 4WD and a camper trailer.
The track is very narrow. Almost impossible fopr two vehicles to go past each other. There are areas where it is fairly open but not when you need them at the time. The track is signposted with HT signs so you cannot get lost.
In July, there is a fair asmount of rain in this region. Some vehicles have made very deep ruts and many have struggled to get out leaving dangers which are submerged.
If i was travelling this track, it would be fn in the wet. Even a challange but not with a Jayco or a wide 4WD.

I fouund one only obsticle. Cant remember where but thee is a wooded area which clims a hill. The track has a couple of twists and turns which with a trailer needs manouvering around with care. Other than that it is flat widiny around trees then plenty of km of open sandy track. Wish i could send some photos. i have lots.
AnswerID: 409388

Reply By: AHenson - Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:05

Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 at 20:05
To those readers who answered to my comments, i apologise if i made the Holland Track sound boring.
In answer to Bridzee, i would not attempt to do this trek with anything larger than a Nissan or Toyota 4WD and a camper trailer.
The track is very narrow. Almost impossible for two vehicles to go past each other. There are areas where it is fairly open but not when you need them at the time. The track is signposted with HT signs so you cannot get lost.
In July, there is a fair amount of rain in this region. Some vehicles have made very deep ruts and many have struggled to get out leaving dangers which are submerged.
If i was travelling this track, it would be fun in the wet. Even a challange but not with a Jayco or a wide 4WD.

I found one only obsticle. Cant remember where but thee is a wooded area which climbs a hill. The track has a couple of twists and turns which with a trailer needs manouvering around with care. Other than that it is flat windy around trees then plenty of km of open sandy track. Wish i could send some photos. i have lots.
AnswerID: 409390

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