Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 at 13:25
In my view, the Bruce highway at 2pm on a tuesday can give me the s*&$^, so im not aiming to 'miss' the traffic. Thursday night, Friday morning, Monday afternoon are all going to be horrible, but its part of the fun!
At this stage, if we go the freshwater track, and the 2.1m tide is too high to access
the beach at all, we cant guarantee our group will have nailed a
camp spot close to freshwater, and we cant
bunker down at freshwater because our permits are for cooloola. We are considering hitting the first cutting, getting as far we can, then setting up temp
Realistically, probably just leave Brissie around 3am friday morning. Traffic problems lessened, and we will be at the barge nice and early.
Thanks guys!