Storing Camp Kitchen While Sleeping

Submitted: Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:27
ThreadID: 77203 Views:4246 Replies:10 FollowUps:5
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OK, this might be a stupid question, but ....

We're thinking of buying a Coleman Montana 12 Deluxe tent until we can afford a camper trailer next year. Plenty of room in the central room for dining, a bedroom at each end, and room under the awning for camp kitchen, fridge, etc.

But .... what on earth do we do when we go to sleep? Do we bring the burner and fridge and camp kitchen furniture inside with us so they don't get stolen? Going to make it very squeezy climbing over everything packed inside and the Montana is a 6.3m x 3m tent!

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Reply By: Member - Troll 81 (QLD) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:33

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:33

We always leave our gear outside. I have never had a problem with this and it's very rare that someone will flog something and if they do my insurance will cover me. I guess it all depends on where you are camping. If you have fridges and expensive stuff lying around they might just take the beer out of it.

If you are really worried then why not just open the back of the car and put the stuff away until the morning?

Don't worry about just enjoy it.
AnswerID: 410464

Reply By: Fab72 - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:39

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:39
I guess it all depends on where you are at the time. If you're half way up the CSR, it would be safe to say your gear will be safe.

On the other hand, if you're staying in a busier spot, it may become an issue. Try linking them all together with a nylon coated cable like a bike lock of similar.
I have on occasions used the booby trap method of balancing pots and pans in a postion that anyone that tries to move anything will make so much noise, it will wake us.

The only intruders I've ever captured were a couple of possums and a kookaburra.
AnswerID: 410467

Follow Up By: sassenach.girl - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:42

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:42
Fab72 said "The only intruders I've ever captured were a couple of possums and a kookaburra."

I wonder if they were working together :)
FollowupID: 680372

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 15:26

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 15:26
Possums, gotta luv 'em. When a mate and I were walking the Overland Track in Tassie many years back (before it got like Pitt Street) we met a famous possum nicknamed by bushwalkers "Black Pete".

We had read about its night raids on unsuspecting walkers' packs in the hut log so blocked a hole in the roof of the sleeping area so he wouldn't bother us. During the night we could hear thump, thump, thump on the shingles as he/she looked everywhere for an entry point. After about 30 minutes all fell silent until we heard a clatter of pans from the fireplace in the adjoining room.

We crept out with our torches and cameras to catch a glimpse of this famous rogue and were rewarded with the sight of the biggest possum I have ever seen sitting on the hearth licking our dishes clean (poor fella wouldn't have got much of a feed because we were living off reconstituted dried food, which was pretty average fare back in the 70's). He didn't take off so we were able to capture him on film for posterity.

Later, when we reached the end of the walk at Cradle Mtn we stayed at a NP hut which was seemingly impregnable to wildlife. Not so. During the night we found a possum rifling thru one of our packs and chomping down some dried fruit - the only food we had left after the trek. We just lay back and enjoyed the show from our top bunks - thought his/her ingenuity in getting into the cabin then somehow opening the pack deserved a reward!
FollowupID: 680387

Follow Up By: Tenpounder (SA) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 15:41

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 15:41
Blimey, Bazooka, that takes me back: Black Pete at Ducane Hut!! When I stayed there, there were four of us blokes sleeping in shifts because we only had three usable sleeping bags (mine got soaked), so we took it in turns to watch black Pete (or perhaps a clone!) climb down the chimney to get to our bags. Memories!!
FollowupID: 680390

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:43

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:43
Yes, Ducane it was indeed, the best hut of them all (well, most picturesque and character-filled, even tho it was a bit run down in 1975).

Your sleeping bag comment reminds me. I was very inexperienced (in fact the Overland was my first overnight walk) and I had (ignorantly) purchased a 3 season bag from Norman Ross (Gerry's previous business) for the trek. Got to Waterfall Hut, 1 day from Cradle and struck a freezing night. Got about 1 hour's sleep and remember next day having a snooze out of the wind among the dolerite chimneys atop Cradle Mt. We had almost perfect weather for that walk, unlike you it seems.

Did the harder/longer south-west walk a few years later (1983), including the infamous, and perfectly named, Yo-Yo track at the start (bloke who put that in obviously knew nothing about countours and figured the most direct route was the best, so he graded straight up and down hills). Both of those walks were absolutely fantastic, with great company (thanks Terry). Got stuck at Macquarie Harbour for 3 days on the SW walk, but that's another story.

FollowupID: 680402

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:49

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:49
We've not had a problem with theft on our trips but we have had problems with stealing birds, possums and all matter of insect life. Also on one notable occassion we had some serious rain while the kitchen was out in the open. Fortunately for me my wife could not wake me and she had to go out in the rain to pack it away. She took up the issue with me the next day and it appears that with rain there is also ankle deep water and mud and she couldn't understand why I didn't wake up hahahaha.

Kind regards
AnswerID: 410472

Follow Up By: Member - Scott M (NSW) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:30

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:30
Best thieves I've ever seen in action were a couple of Crows working in tandem at Mount Barnett campsite. Pure artists.

A couple of backpackers had locked, sealed, and tamped down all their gear very well to stop and intrusion... didn't stop this pair of thieves ...
FollowupID: 680407

Reply By: Member - Geoff H (QLD) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 13:47

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 13:47
Don't stress Kylie,

Never We've had anything stolen in 30 years of camping, but We've had a desperado go through the front door at home with a wrecking bar, go figure.

Just lay a sheet or something over the valuable stuff especially your alcohol.

One night we got the word about some light fingered teens in the park so I set a couple of traps that would drop a few pots and pans on the ground, but I never caught anyone. Don't know what I was going to do anyway, maybe a mule kick.

All the Best.
AnswerID: 410481

Reply By: Member - Vaughn (QLD) - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:19

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:19
Relax - the people camping near you are just like you and it is rare that anything goes walkabout. As others have said just be sensible with valuables but your stoves etc should be fine.
Over 35 years of regular camping for me and nothing taken to date except for some food to animals. So keep all your food in sealed containers.
If you don't know where you'e going any road will get you there!

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AnswerID: 410506

Reply By: Member - Megan and Kevin D (AC - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:51

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 16:51
Hi Kylie
We've had good fortune so far - but our friends left things outside their cabin in a caravan park in Alice last year and stuff was stolen including a sand flag, torch and tools. When bush camping the main thing to remember is to pack things up at night that you don't want damp from dew in the morning, not to leave things around where you'll fall over them in the middle of the night and secure things so dingos don't get anything when they have a midnight sniff around. Have fun.
AnswerID: 410509

Reply By: jvb1 - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:59

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 17:59
Hi, Have had several eskys and drinks ect stolen from locals in the south west of WA. easy pickings at christmas time for local youth. Found my beer 1 block away, buggers.

AnswerID: 410521

Reply By: Fatso - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 21:45

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 21:45
People travelling around in caravan parks & camp grounds are of a similar nature to each other, in that they all pack way too much.
If they want to pinch something of yours they will probably have to leave the equivalent object of theirs behind. Seeing as we all reckon our own gear is the best a man could possibly own, it makes your pretty safe.
Your biggest problem will be dew.
AnswerID: 410570

Reply By: Holiday Hound - Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 22:35

Friday, Mar 26, 2010 at 22:35
We had an esky stolen a month back at a beach side caravan park on Sunshine Coast. It was full of our food , beer and the 4yo's favourite cup. The owners say it was local kids who wanted the beer. But its creepy all the same thinking someone is right at your tent at night.
We pack our good light away and other valuables in the car. But also pack/close things to stop birds ,possums, goannas. Also- one camp site the neighbours had a snake coiled around some of their equipment at their door.
AnswerID: 410583

Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 at 10:24

Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 at 10:24
Havent had any trouble in the last 12 months. We cahin out fridge to the chassis of the van, but if they want it they only have to smash the handles.

We do however lock the chain across the lid at night to stop the contents walking.

We were told at Bussleton the kids raid fridges for grog so we kept it locked.

Waste of time raiding my fridge anyway. No grog there LOL

AnswerID: 410633

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