Sunday History Photo / Au
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 04, 2010 at 08:47
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Member - Doug T (NT)
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The long running Australian cartoon strip, ‘Bluey and Curley’ was based on two residents of Elwood. Alex Gurney, creator of the strip was a long-time member of the Elwood Angling Club. The balding Alex was known in the club as ‘Curley’. ‘Bluey’ was the nickname of his red-headed mate, Len Anderson, a council linesman. They shared a boat called ‘Bluey and Curley’ on innumerable fishing trips off Elwood Beach. Len ‘Bluey’ Anderson lived in an Edwardian villa at 9 Rothesay Avenue, Elwood from about 1937. Gurney was born in England in 1902. He migrated to Australia with his widowed mother taking up residence in Elwood at 7
Merton Avenue in about 1937. He became a prolific cartoonist for newspapers in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, creating enormously popular Australian characters such as ‘Bluey and Curley’, ‘Stiffy and Mo’, “The Daggs’ and ‘Ben Bowyang’ . Bluey and Curley were initially based on two larrikin diggers, and readers followed their Aussie adventures from Britain to the army’s occupation of Japan, to attempts at civvy life as wharfies, lion tamers and private detectives. Gurney also designed emblems for the South
Melbourne Football Club and other clubs. He died in 1955 but his cartoon was continued by other artists for several more years
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Reply By: Member - Min (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:05
Sunday, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:05
Hi Doug,
What wonderful memories your thread evokes. Looking at these pictures I can see my Dad's face as he read the latest cartoon and even hear his voice as he called to Mum, "Nell, have you seen Bluey and Curley today, it's a goodun?"
Real Australiana.
Reply By: Member - John L (WA) - Sunday, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:33
Sunday, Apr 04, 2010 at 09:33
Morning Doug,thank you again for lovely memories . Had to read Sunday History before going off to have brekky with grandkids! Happy
Easter to you & all ExplorOz members. Cheers Heather
Reply By: Member - Kingsley N (SA) - Monday, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:21
Monday, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:21
Nice memories again, thanks Doug. And timely too with ANZAC day approaching.
My Dad used to like sharing a beer around the kitchen table with one of his mates from WW2 and I could read through his collection of wartime books and unit newspapers. There were often cartoons of Bluey and Curley in them. I think the books were called "Stand Easy" or something like that.
I wonder when Bluey and Curley stopped appearing in our newspapers? As you say, others picked up when Gurney passed away. I think they were still to be seen as late as the 1970's.
Reply By: Member - Graeme W (NSW) - Monday, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:38
Monday, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:38
Hi Doug,
This photo was taken at the Bull Creek aviation museum in
Perth. I must admit that I had no idea what the reference to Bluey and Curly meant. Thanks for educating me!
The Lancaster is ex French Air Force, painted in Australian colours.
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