Thursday, Apr 08, 2010 at 14:56
What is your reference for the information you quoted ?
How would the extra flows be captured ?
Are the extra flows in the areas that need the water ? If not can the water be move efficiently to the areas that need it ? Could we capture the water in the North West and pump it to the south east ?
What is the environmental and soci-economic impact of diverting the downstream flows ?
Can the water be stored until it is needed ?
These are the sorts of questions that need to be answered before final decisions are made on what
population Australia can support. The decisions should be made based on scientific facts, not political, religious or economic rhetoric.
We have seen to many disaster occur in Australia in the past due to ill-informed short-sighted decisions. For example, the current problems in the Murray darling catchment due to over allocation of water resources and inappropriate agricultural methods for arid zones.
I honestly do not know the answer to these sorts of questions and I am sure that the people currently pushing for a large
population do not.
It may turn out that Australia can sustainable support a much larger
population or it may not. We just need to know the truth before we pass the point of no return.