HF frequencies received in Australia?

Submitted: Monday, Oct 13, 2003 at 13:00
ThreadID: 7780 Views:4169 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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I am searching for weather HF frequencies (RTTY/DATA/SAT) received in Australia between 0.250 MHz and 26.000 MHz frequencies.
I am specially after daily or weekly Weather FAX, Weather DATA or RTTY?
These weather HF frequencies are not necessarily transmitted from Australian land.
E.g.: a weather satellite transmitting on HF. Owned by the USA but still transmitting onto Australia

I have in the 4WD a laptop connected to the Codan which permits me to receive to DATA, RTTY and FAX. from 0.250 MHz and 26.000 MHz in SSB.

I talked directly to ACA which told me, they were only issuing licenses for the HF spectrum but did not monitor any HF signal was received in Australia.
I talked to the Australian Bureau of Meteo which can only give me the weather fax transmission from Charleville and WA.
I am aware they are weather RTTY and DATA weather being transmitted in Australia, but no gov dept seems to know what DATA HF frequencies are received in Australia.

All this is strange because Europe and USA seem to know the frequencies being received in their country.
http://www.yachtcom.co.uk/comms/Frequencies.htm ( make sure you wait for the entire download- only 150 Kb)

If anyone knows what commercial or non-commercial organization transmit HF weather DATA/RTTY to Australia and SATTELITE images , please reply to this posting.

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