Summerland Way Northern NSW
Submitted: Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 06:36
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Member - Heather G (NSW)
We are planning on travelling from
Grafton via Casino and Kyogle to visit the Border Ranges National Park and from there go through to Qld. early next week.
We would like to know what this road is like please as we will be towing our 2 & 1/2 ton van. I know it is bitumen but is it narrow, very steep etc?
I have searched on here and on the net for info but havent been too successful so hoping someone on here can help.
Heather G
Reply By: Member - Alan H (QLD) - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 07:12
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 07:12
The border ranges are a great part of the country. (Brindle creek is one of my favourite
places)There is an entrance fee and a long uphill not appropriate for towing a van. If you really want to see it, dump the van at Wiangaree and then do
the loop up through the park and back down to pick up your van. Or drag the van up to Sheep Station Creek and leave the van there. I would leave it back at Wiangaree for safety.
The Lion's road through to Qld is bitumen, very scenic but again has some steep and very long hills with a windy road in the rainforest with limited visibility through the corners. Not really a towing route for anything bigger than a trailer.
The road from Kyogle up towards Woodenbong and down through the Lindsay border
gate also has some long hills but is wider and used by trucks and vans.
Suggest go Lindsay hwy or straight up the coast from
Grafton. Once past
Ballina it is now a great run up the hwy.
Follow Up By: Member - Heather G (NSW) - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 16:59
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 16:59
Thanks Alan,
We are planning to
camp at Station creek which N Pks says is suitable for caravans. We want to do some of the walks around there and also some in the other parts of the Border Ranges N Pk. We have permit for entry to all NSW N Pks and know the fee structure in them thanks. Have also stayed in many of them throughout the state
We were planning to go through to
Warwick and from there some of the dams for fishing. We have travelled the Pacific Highway and its not really on our route as we dont want to get to Qld coast until
Cooktown if all goes to plan.
Thanks for you reply.
Follow Up By: Member - Michael S (ACT) - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 21:49
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 21:49
I'd stay off the Lion's Road with any sort of caravan or trailer. I rode the Summerland Way and Lions Road on my motorbike last week. Summerland Way was great. Many bikes coming in the opposite direction on Lion's Road during the week and I'm told even more on weekends. It's a favourite motorbike road. A
sign at the southern ond of the road says not suitable for caravans and I see why. Corners are really sharp and road really steep in
places. One lane bridges too. You meet a motorbike coming the other way and there's bound to be an accident.
Follow Up By: Member - Heather G (NSW) - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 07:00
Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 07:00
thanks Michael - will heed your advice and stick to the Summerland. We wouldnt take the van on any road which had signage that you mentioned - too many ramifications if we had an accident!
Reply By: B1B2 - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 07:22
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 07:22
G'day Heather G,
We drove 2 vans south along Summerland Way (Grevillia, Casino & Kyogle), few a months ago towing a 2.5t and 2.0 tonne vans. Its a bit hilly and narrow but a terrific drive. I would expect your tow vehicle is up to it, as you are towing a 2.5t van, we had Landcruisers. There were some long climbs so your cooling system would want to be in good nick. Ther are sections where there is nowhere to pass, but don't rush enjoy the scenery.
Follow Up By: Member - Heather G (NSW) - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 17:06
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 17:06
Thanks Bill,
Sounds as though we are up to it so will give it a go. I hate to travel the same roads more than once or twice if I can help it and we have seen some interesting
places as a result.
We are not in any hurry.
Thanks for your reply.
Reply By: Sawtybt - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 15:57
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 15:57
Heather G,
We prefer using the Summerland Way instead of the Pacific Highway. We tow our BT that way and then up through Woodenbong and onto
Warwick. Very scenic and without all the extra traffic.
Follow Up By: Member - Heather G (NSW) - Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 17:04
Friday, Apr 23, 2010 at 17:04
Yes that is our intended route and from there onto some of the dams which are stocked for fishing. Sounds like we can do it without any problems.
We have the tinny with us and are not too interested in going back to the coast until the far north.
Thankyou for your reply.
Reply By: Member - Vince B (NSW) - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 16:33
Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 16:33
Hi Heather.
Easter we towed the van to Killarney via Kyogle & Woodenbong.
From Woodenbong there were some steep climbs & the condition of the road really sorted out the caravan
suspension.The only big problem we encounted were the number of motor bikes using the road as a
test track.
Just take your time & enjoy the scenery.
The road from Killarney to
Warwick was a breeze.
Reply By: Member - Heather G (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 28, 2010 at 06:55
Wednesday, Apr 28, 2010 at 06:55
To all of you helpful people who replied to my original thread,
Thought you would like to know that we survived the drive through to Queensland after taking the road from Kyogle to Woodenbong through Urbenville and Tooloom National Park to get to Killarney and then
Warwick on Monday. My brother in law who worked with NSW Forestry iand is familiar with this area suggested this route from Woodenbong and said the other road is worse. I guess we don't know whether he is right or not but if so, the other option must be very ordinary. It looked a bit longer on the map.
The road was bitumen, very narrow (3.5 metres)in width and had one of the roughest surfaces we have come across on sealed roads. Luckily there was almost no oncoming traffic as there were few opportunities to pull over on the steep, winding climb up through the National Park and then back down the other side.
We had no problems towing the van and just took it slowly but was a bit stressful at the time. Now just another story to relate around the campfire!
We stayed in the little caravan park in Kyogle and drove out through the Border Ranges, had a look at the Station Creek
campground. It was full so we decided not to bring the van out the following day as we would have had difficulty
parking it in most of the sites there and would have to hope one of the few suitable was vacant when we arrived. Instead we took the scenic loop drive through the park and stopped to look off the Lookouts and take photos.
The walking opportunities will have to wait till somewhere further along the trip!