Avoiding School Holidays up North

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 18:04
ThreadID: 77971 Views:3348 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Next year we are planning a 8 week trip from Melbourne to the Kimberley via the Tanami, then Litchfield, Kakadu, Katherine and down thru Qld.
At the moment our itinerary has us starting the Gibb River Road at the start of the June school holidays. I realise we will encounter school holidays and more people somewhere, but since the Kimberley is the focus and number 1 highlight of the trip, should i plan to encounter school holidays somewhere in the Northern Territory?
Any help for experienced travellers would be great.
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Reply By: Notso - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 18:47

Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 18:47
I don't think school holidays will make much difference, it'll be busy any time during the dry.

AnswerID: 414153

Reply By: uneekwahn - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 19:06

Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 19:06
G'day Kalex,

The wife and I spent 2 months travelling the Kimberley for our honeymoon back in 2007 and we left Perth on 16 July and arrived in Broome on the 19th, pretty much smack bang in the middle of the school holidays.

We didn't experience hordes of people with or without school aged children, just a steady flow of tourists doing the same as us and enjoying it all.

You'll find that during the period you're going it'll be busy because that's the perfect time to be there :)

Hope you enjoy it.


AnswerID: 414157

Reply By: Motherhen - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 19:50

Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 19:50
We toured the GRR in June 2008 and found it ideal; before the mad masses got out there, and a good time of the year to see the waterfalls at there best (within the time roads are open). School holidays started early July and the camps were crowded and roads much rougher from the influx.

Last year we got to the northern NT when it was school holidays, but had no problems finding camp sites. Being on a long trip, we couldn't avoid school holidays in several states. We did not go to coastal resort type places.

I think you have too much in your sights for an eight week trip. We spent nine weeks in the Kimberley (three and a half weeks on the GRR), and had to return the next year to see Darwin, Kakadu, Litchfield and Katherine.


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AnswerID: 414159

Reply By: jezza68 - Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 22:15

Saturday, Apr 24, 2010 at 22:15
Hi Kalex,

The WA School Holidays commence the first week in July and continue for a fortnight. You will find if you start your GRR Trip at the first few days you will stay ahead of the Perthites who have to cover the first 2500km to get there.

I am unsure of your itinary but it is doable if not a bit rushed. I would recommend a few long days in the saddle to get through the tarmac stuff.

I am in Broome and the Courthouse Markets were packed today, so I would say the Dry Season Tourist rush is on already.

AnswerID: 414177

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