Calvert Ranges Permit
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 at 09:56
This Thread has been Archived
Indigo Jones (QLD)
So i have been waiting sice January for a permit to visit the Calverts
and out of curiosity sent an email last week to see how it was progressing in the queue. I got the same canned response only the date had changed -
This culturally important and environmentally sensitive area lies within Martu native title determined land. The system for issuing permits to visit the
Calvert Range is presently under review by Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (WDLAC), on behalf of the Traditional Owners. It is hoped that this review will be completed by the 22nd April, 2010 and we will then be able to respond to your request for a permit.
We appreciate your patience.
How patient does one have to be ? this is beyond a joke. It's a sad state of affairs when parts of Australia are getting locked up and rights of access are being taken away from travellers.
I have given up on getting the permit as i am leaving to do the Gunbarrel and CSR next month and i wont be spending any money on diesel at
Kunawarritji this time - By all means if the local communties want to earn money from tourism then at least encourage people to visit, don't make it impossible just because you can.
Reply By: Member - evren1 (WA) - Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:27
Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:27
have you read thread 77953 ?
Calvert Access road is to be closed until a future management plan is put in place.
I and many others like you who are about to travel the CSR are very dissapointed in this outcome also !
Follow Up By: Shaker - Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 at 16:44
Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 at 16:44
After doing the CSR last year & seeing the rubbish & damage for ourselves, I am not surpirsed that they are reviewing the situation.
Reply By: PatrolSTL04 - Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 02:11
Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 02:11
I visited the Calvert Ranges in July 2008. If you have ever seen aboriginal artwork in the Kimberly's, Karijini or the centre, you will be sadly disappointed.
To me it was not worth the 70 odd kilometers there and back.