Friday, Apr 30, 2010 at 11:54
Hi Trevor,
I think the first of the DXs were non-turbo (late 90s, early 2000s), but later models came with turbo as standard to keep up with the market. Just need to be aware of it.
About 2 years ago, I found some minor fatigue cracks appearing in the towers of my wagon. After researching on this site, found a firm in Vic who made a very neat fix for the towers which could be welded in-situ without major dismantling. The cracks were not serious, but as I was about to do the
Kimberley, I couldn't take the risk.
I recall, when Nissan brought out the 4.2 turbo in 99, some diesel workshop guy telling me that it was a grenade and wouldn't take the extra stress, but I think that over 10 years on, he has been proven wrong.
Having said that, I think that an after-market turbo on a standard 4.2 may not be as strong as the factory turbo; I read somewhere that the factory turbo engine had revised mains, big ends and gudgeons.
I, like lots of others, had 5th gear fail at about 120,000, but Nissan fixed it under warranty.
Overall, after 10 years of owning the GU, I've been pretty happy with it, tho I reckon it's not as rugged as my old GQ/Mav; mainly too much plastic where the GQ had steel. But that's progress :-)