Hi Forumites,
Recently did a relaxing trip to
Denham (
Shark Bay area), prepared the CT as usual, checking brakes, fluids, lights etc etc all seemed OK.. When we pulled up at the
campsite made a brew and noticed that the water level on the indicator was showing only half full, when I left
home the tank indicator was full.
I checked underneath no signs of leakage everything dry, couldn't understand the problem, I decided to
check things out when I got
home, the water level from that point on until we went
home acted normally, I should mention at this time I didn't top the system up at all whilst I was away.
home first weekend available I ripped up the carpet and removed the lid in the floor, to my great surprise the
well the tanks sits in was half full of water, I removed the bung underneath and drained the water out. With only one connection being below the half water mark I removed the tank and checked the connection, appeared OK so I remade the joint just in case and installed the tank. Filled the tank to the half way point all good. Continued to fill, everything looked ok around the bottom connection but then the floor of the
well started to get wet. Not sure if you know but the
water tank on the Tvan is held in place with tennis balls, quite a smart idea when all things considered.
Removing the rear tennis balls I found the problem, the Fiamma 70 lt tank has four locations moulded into the tank to accommodate hold down bolts, these mouldings in the tank are where the tennis balls sit, the leak stopped when the tennis ball was removed on one side, I eventually found a minute split right on the corner of the moulded bit, the split only opened up when the tennis ball was in place.
I've now replaced the tank and everything is back to normal, it just goes to show how vulnerable you can be by caused by such a small event, and loosing such a vital part of your survival kit, WATER. The tank could have been repaired I suppose, due to the criticality of water in the bush a replacement seemed to be the best way to go,this is only a 2005 model, the coragations and other off road shocks have taken their toll.
The fact that the water didn't leak out is a testament to the quality of the dust sealing on a Tvan, just thought I would throw that one in............ Didn't do the water pump any favours though DOH!!!!