Can my holden captiva diesel, will tow a Jayco expanda 16-49-1

Submitted: Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 15:19
ThreadID: 78136 Views:20253 Replies:3 FollowUps:7
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Wanting to know if my holden captiva diesel, will tow a Jayco expanda 16-49-1 fully loaded and safely.
Captiva tow capacity is 1,700 and the Jayco 1,383. Doesn't leave much, what do you think?
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Reply By: Tenpounder (SA) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 15:31

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 15:31
Hi there. According to the Jayco website, the Expanda 16-49-1 has a Tare mass of 1355 kg, that is the empty weight of the Jayco, according to the manufacturer. Even if that is correct (and in most cases, the actual empty weight is above the stated Tare) then by the time you fill the gas and water and chuck in some food and bedding, the ATM will be up to the Captiva max towing weight.
The experts will say check the actual empty weight (perhaps Jayco include water or gas in the Tare, or perhaps you have some optional extras which add to the actual Tare (such as an air conditioner).
On the information provided, you would need to keep the Expanda completely empty to have any real margin.
AnswerID: 414982

Reply By: Member - barry F (NSW) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 17:37

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 17:37
Jason, I agree with comments made above by Chris. A " rule of thumb" factor of 300 Kg for water,gas & personal items etc. is often used. This added to your stated Tare would put you close to the towing limits of the Captiva. You need to look at the towing vehicle GCWR which will be in your vehicle handbook ( gross combination weight rating )

This is the combined weight of the trailer, the trailer load plus the curb weight of the vehicle & it's payload ( Passengers, luggage & accessories)

AnswerID: 415001

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 17:59

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 17:59
He should really weigh the van empty and add on 300kg and see if its below his legal weight

He should also check the towbars towing capacity because it may be less than the vehicles.

The law says its the lesser of the two that applies

Also the allowable ball weight may be too low for a van of that size.

As stated the Gross Combined vehicle mass must not be exceeded.

Lots of things to consider.

You can legally tow a van with a higher ATM than the vehicles rating provided its actual GTM doesnt exceed the vehicles capacity.

However who wants to tow an empty van when you are going travelling

FollowupID: 685184

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 18:41

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 18:41
What I forgot to say is look at the compliance plate on the van

See what the ATM weight is If its more than the car can tow forget it
Tare means nothing its the ATM that matters and what it actually weighs when loade
FollowupID: 685191

Follow Up By: DIO - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 19:50

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 19:50
...don't forget to also check the rating capacity of your towbar. It should have a compliance sticker on it. That will be your absolute guide when deciding on suitability.
FollowupID: 685201

Follow Up By: Tenpounder (SA) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 20:06

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 20:06
Hi Graham H.
We all know the actual empty weight is not the legal Tare Mass (which is the number on the plate). Adding your magical figure of 300 kg does not give a legally relevant ATM (which is also a number on the plate).
You are not being helpful in suggesting that people can automatically add 300kg (single axle) or 400kg (tandem axle) to their actual Tare to get a legal towable mass. I have read reviews in the magazines of vans where there's about 50 kg between the actual tare and the plated ATM.
I tell you, it is a minefield !!
FollowupID: 685204

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 20:46

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 20:46
If you read the whole thread I corrected myself by saying to look at the compliance plate and the ATM and not the Tare plus anything.

The stamped Tare mass is only the empty weight when it supposedly was weighed at the factory. If its secondhand who knows what it weighs.

thats why I suggested he weigh it and just add on the 300 kg to see what it comes to

300kg is NOT a magical figure at all It is the normal payload amount for a single axle van.

50kg is nothing my first van was 145kg over plated tare.

I also quoted towbar ratings and towing legalities for those who didnt read it properly.

Thought I covered most relevant scenarios you should check before buying.

Obviously it didnt read that way to some.
FollowupID: 685208

Follow Up By: Tenpounder (SA) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 21:05

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 21:05
Graham H.
As I am told, the plated Tare is an arbitrary figure, not an actual weighed figure for the van in question. It usually relates to a basic model, and so anything like an aircon, or an awning, or whatever, is probably not included. So the real Tare (or actual mass) is unrelated to the nominal Tare.
If you add 300kg to the actual empty weight (or what I am calling the actual Tare), then you get a magical figure, in the sense that does not relate to any legal requirement. I say this, because the legal ATM is not simply 300kg above the actual empty mass.
Your 300 kg figure may be, in some sense, 'normal' but it has no legal or other basis.
And the 50 kg I mentioned was the difference between actual empty mass and nominal ATM, i.e. total available payload.
FollowupID: 685210

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 22:10

Saturday, May 01, 2010 at 22:10
I have an Email from Jayco which states that ALL VANS ARE WEIGHED DRY as they leave the factory in the condition they were ordered and all vans can have a different tare depending on owners requirements.

So the tare weight is in this manufacturers case is an actual figure as described.

It does go on to say that anything added later does come out of the payload which as I stated is USUALLY 300kg in a single axle van. I would print it here but I just tried to fire up the netbook its on and it has packed a hissy and wont boot.

Will fix it in morning and post the actual text.

As the OP queried about a Jayco I guess it applies to it

Read the first sentence of my follow up above

I said to look at the compliance plate for the ATM to see if it was legal for him to tow it.
FollowupID: 685227

Reply By: fawkesp - Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 20:45

Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 20:45

I have a Golden Eagle caravan (15'6" internal) with a tare of 1,320kg.

In 2008, my wife and I set off for a trip from Bathurst to Darwin, Cairns and back, a round trip of approx 14,000 kilometres.

The van had an ATM of 1,620kg, allowing for a load of 300kg, a load we struggled to keep under.

Our tow vehicle for this trip was a 2008 Captiva SX manual diesel, which had a tow capacity of 2,000kg and more significantly, had the self-levelling rear suspension.

The Captiva performed faultlessly,except for a failed throttle sensor in Darwin (fixed under warranty) but there were three issues that we felt made the vehicle unsuitable for long term touring:

1) First gear was not low enough to provide for confidence when performing multiple hill starts,

2) The fuel tank capacity of 65 litres (if I remember correctly) makes for very frequent fuel stops. We averaged 13.86 litres/100 klms when towing and carried two fuel jerry cans on the van, and

3) The spacesaver spare tyre effectively means that you do not a spare at all. This is because you cannot use it to replace a failed front tyre as this is the principal driving tyre (the Captiva is essentially front wheel drive) and you cannot use it on the rear as the tyre cannot support the weight of the car and towball. Also, while the spacesaver is rated to 80km/hr, I also understand that the tyre is only good for a distance of approx 80 kilometres, not much use in the Australian back country!

Jason, not putting the car down, we travelled 14,000 kiloemtres in nine weeks and my wife's and my back never once complained about all the driving, fantastic ergonomics, just not a towing proposition.

Peter F.
AnswerID: 415144

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