Thursday, May 06, 2010 at 22:00
Don't let the babies stop you doing the things you want to do. That is just hiding behind the kids.
We took our oldest daughter on her first camping trip when she was less than 2 years old. When she was 4 year we took her and her
young brother to Fraser Island. He was just 5 months old at the time. We did quite a few camping trips with all three kids before heading off to WA, My youngest daughter had her third birthday on that trip. She was 5 when we went to
Cape York.
We have been camping as a family for as long as my kids have been breathing. They are all still willing to
camp, my oldest rang me from Uni today just to tell me she loves me. Made an old man feel pretty good and gives me some confidence that all that time in the bush didn't hurt her any.
Your days of serious off road stuff will only be put on hold if you want them to be.
I hope you take this the right way. I am not having a go at you just trying to encourage you to take the kids along for the adventure, it will do them good.