Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 13:40
G'day Rowen, the acorn filter that caused me so much grief is on the end of the fuel pick-up in the main tank. My HZ is a tray back and the floor plate inside the cab only gave me access to the fuel gauge sender unit so I had to drop the whole tank out to get to it, no easy task ! To do this I jacked the vehicle up via the chassis rails to fully extend the rear springs and tail shaft, undo the tank straps and wriggle the tank out and you'll find where the fuel line enters the tank, pull that off and on the end of the fuel line is the acorn filter, while you're at it you can flush out the tank too !
Not known by many and not even mentioned in the work-
shop manual there is a tiny mesh filter in the body of the injector pump, remove the fuel line into the pump then flatten the end of a piece of wire and bend at 90deg and gentle fish it out, it's a lot easier to do this before you drop the tank, see if it works.
In my previous post I said to feed fuel directly into the pump, do that via a container sitting on top of the engine and run a fuel line straight to the pump, if it runs without a problem you know your blockage is back down the line somewhere, it's a matter of elimination. Have fun and let me know how you go !