Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 13:11
Hi Roger.
I have driven the western section as far as the King George River several times, but not since the Carson River Station has been leased.
In general terms it is not too difficult, although each time was harder than the time before due to lack of any work on it. There are odd miners still wandering about and the lease of the station may have changed everything.
The eastern section is quite a different kettle of fish.
I drove from
Home Valley to Oombulgurri in the company with 2 Toyotas (a 200 series and an 80 series with diff locks and a 4" lift).
The 85km took us 3 days one way.
We had stuff to do at Oombulgurri and intended to travel right through to
Kalumburu, but the Toyotas were getting low on fuel and an inspection of the Lovejoy jump-up 20k north of Oombulgurri suggested that it would take us 2 or 3 days to get up it. \We came back to Wyndam by barge (at great expense) because that would entail a lower risk than driving.
This is a slideshow (about 30 pics) of the trip to Oombulgurri.
This video clip is coming down one of the several jump-ups on the way to Oombulgurri. This was nothing "special".
This is not country to be treated lightly. I would not tow anything through here.
Permits took a year to obtain (and we had good reason).
If you are still keen, talk to Nick Bradley at
Home Valley, although when I spoke to him last he had never driven all the way to Oombulgurri himself, but may have since.
There is a slide show of the Carson end in 2006 in the link below, as
well as other odd pics in other slide shows of the area in later years.
OKA196 Motorhome
OKA196 Motorhome