Watagans tracks help
Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 09, 2010 at 20:24
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Dave B (NSW)
Im heading off to the Watagans on sunday, just wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions where and which tracks to try.
Coming up from Blacktown and I'll be driving an 80 series with 3" lift and 33" maxxis bighorns (no lokas or winch) and a '09' Suzuki vitara 2 door with a 2' lift and allterains.
Not looking for damage but just some fun as the zook has just had its lift and tyres fitted so my mate just wants to see how it goes.
Reply By: Navigator 1 (NSW) - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2010 at 23:36
Wednesday, Jun 09, 2010 at 23:36
TREKS on Exploroz has an article on the
Watagan Mountains. The roads are good and you will find several nice camping areas. You can download the track to your computer/GPS.
Have fun,
Reply By: Member - Wayne B (NSW) - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2010 at 23:48
Reply By: Gronk - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 01:06
Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 01:06
We have had a LOT of rain here in the past week or so.......so if we get anymore on Saturday, I'd say the place will be a quagmire ( if its not already )
The trouble with the Watagans is the harder tracks have become VERY hard ( or locked off with gates ), but the easier tracks are just that...very easy...
I don't bother going up there anymore for medium type 4WDriving....might be different if I had a comp truck though !!
Reply By: Member -Signman - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:38
Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:38
Keep a good
lookout for all the (un) registered motor bikes & quads.
Being a long weekend- it's gonna be BUSY !!!
Reply By: AnneMarie - Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 21:09
Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 at 21:09
Hi Dave,
We took a drive up there after reasonable rain a few weeks back in the 100 series with winch and recovery gear. We are new to the area and took a detour down a track called Jilliby, I think, or similar... off to the right. DON'T go there! We had a great run for a while, lovely bush, nice track... then hit mud, water, more mud - DEEP mud and more water, and DEEP ruts! It was getting later and later and light was fading, no mobile reception. Then we hit the mother of all BAD parts of the track - a long section of deep ruts, mud, water... husband stopped, walked through it to the other end and decided we could make it through with diffs locked, if we could just stay a bit to the side of the worst part on the grassy section. Didn't quite work that way! We slipped and slid along the edge then got dragged into a deep rut and hung up on the diff! Next, he tried to reverse a little, no luck. Unlocked the diffs, tried again and slowly but surely we edged forward at a 45% angle, slipping and sliding ever closer to the DRY section of the track! We made it and the truck came through unscathed. At the OTHER end of this track was a
sign... CLOSED TO ALL VEHICLES DUE TO RAIN AND 4WD DAMAGE!!!! Would have been nice if there was one at the other end too!!!!!!!!
So, enjoy it out there if you go, but DO be very careful which tracks you choose to try!!
Follow Up By: Gronk - Friday, Jun 11, 2010 at 13:08
Friday, Jun 11, 2010 at 13:08
And as I said earlier, there seems to be 2 sorts of tracks up there .....hard and easy....but not much in between...ESPECIALLY if it's wet !!!!