Running out of time before we start!
Submitted: Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 09:51
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So far, we are still set to go on our trip starting August, it would be great to be able to leave earlier, but we can't.
Our intentions were to go across the '
Outback Way' (from
perth) and head to
Cape york before the wet season sets in, and hopefully before it heats up to much.
Now I have a mate ring me up to see if I'll be around for the
Birdsville Races.
I'd really like to see it but not sure if I'm trying to squeeze the travels too much, we have two little fellas (2 & 3 1/2) to think of too.
So is Sept/Oct getting too late to do the tip?
Are the races a family friendly sort of event?
and why am I running out of time before I've even headed off??? (I used to think 1 year to tour OZ was fair enough, it's NOT
Cheers again
Reply By: farouk - Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:53
Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:53
Have been to the
Birdsville Races and I would have to say it is NOT a family friendly event. I am not sorry I went because it s a unique experience but it is fairly alcohol related and to coin a phrase is a 'swim thru" I would even venture to say that the year we went -1991- 50% never even went out to the races, and like us really only went to
Birdsville to find out what the annual event was all about
Having said that we did enjoy it but certainly would say not the event for 2 small children.
Follow Up By: Spana - Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:14
Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:14
thanks Farouk, I did think that this might be the case, I guess the bloke in me was keen for the weekend, but maybe the father in me does realise that it'll mainly be a booze-fest.
Maybe I'll leave this one for a boys trip then, sure there will be plenty of other stuff to see this time around!
Cheers Troy
Reply By: Member - David C2 (VIC) - Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:57
Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:57
H Spana, Changing your plans late in the came can sometimes lead to things/place being missed and often a trip rushed. I find that if I rush a trip that's when things go wrong. It would only be for the atmosphere and the chance to say I was there that you would be to changing your plans to catch the race meet. A lot of extra traffic and big crowds certainly not my idea of the outback. If you really want to go there you may be able to add it on another trip rather than making changes to this one.
What ever you decide hope you all have a great and safe trip, look forward to hearing all about it.
Happy travels Dave
Follow Up By: Spana - Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:19
Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:19
Thanks Dave,
I do feel a bit uneasy about changing our plans, but at the same time want to remain open minded about alternatives while we travel. But I do agree, we don't want to start rushing, and the coast/forest stuff is more what the wife loves, and prob more friendly to the kids, so would be a shame to rush in and out of that.
Our plan is to be in Tassie around Feb/March, so the later we get out of the cape, the less time we are left to explore the whole East coast!
Reply By: Member - Nathan & Lyndsey (WA) - Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 20:13
Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 at 20:13
Hi Troy.
We are doing the same trip as you... Heading across the centre and up to
Cape York.
We leave
Perth on the 16th September and intend to start our Cape trip around the 02nd October. We were also concerned about the time of year but after speaking to alot of people we feel quite comfortable with the time that we will be there. Apart from it being a bit hotter and dusty it will also be free of hoards of people. (Being from
Perth will should suit us fine).
If you have not done so already, join this
forum "".
The locals are on this
forum and have lots of tips and advice.
There is atleast 10 other vehicles that i know of that will be travelling at the same time as us.
Hope this helps.
Follow Up By: Spana - Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:28
Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 10:28
Thanks for the reassurance! I have been told, that aslong as your out of the Cape around November it's no worries, And by the sounds of it, it is a bit wetter this year up there anyway.
Our other concern though, is getting to Tas in the warmer months still, preferably around Feb/March. So the later we leave the cape, the more rushed we are going south. As I said before, it really hit me how little time you have whn you factor the seasons in and all.
Cheers again, we might even cross paths up there!
Follow Up By: Member - Nathan & Lyndsey (WA) - Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:36
Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:36
Wow. Sounds like we are almost doing the exact same trip!
Perth-CapeYork-Tassie :)...
Cape York we will spend 2-3 months heading down the coast towards Tassie. We will be there a bit earlier though as we have to be back
home by January 2011.
Have fun and might see you out there.
Reply By: Geoff and Paola - Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 23:20
Sunday, Jun 20, 2010 at 23:20
We ( 2 senior couples and 1 mid aged couple ) have booked into to
Birdsville Caravan Park for a week for the this year's races. Have been told it is an adults to teens affair and not really suitable for children ... although we know people that took
young'ns but regretted it. Should be a LOT of fun, but very rowdy!!
Remember ... Oz is a rather large expanse of viewing to do in a short time.
There will be
places you thought you would stay overnight but stay for a week, and those that are visa versa!! Try not to rush it as it's all in the eyes of individual traveller.
This site, ExplorOz will be your best guide along with local knowledge when travelling.
Have fun in the short time you are here ... you're a long time dead!!