Tuesday, Jul 20, 2010 at 13:23
The wheel spin issue IS VALID!
I drive a Mitsubishi Lancer with after market cruise. It of course is a front wheel drive which will cause this issue to be much more evident.
As one wheel aquaplanes, all the drive goes to that wheel - the cruise is still happy as there is a delay in it responding which is a lot slower than a driver in this situation. Also the speed that the cruise sees is the average of the two front wheels via the front differential not just the single high speed wheel.
This effect is evident using brand new tyres, but much much worse on worn tyres.
The wheel that has lost traction is now spinning a lot faster than normal, so depending on how much traction is acquired after the water will depend on whether the car may pull excessively to one side resulting in a serve & then possible an over corrected spin.
I have also heard of high powered vehicles loosing traction on the rear when towing a heavy load, as the auto gear box drops a couple of gears on a climb & the cruise applies full power to compensate in the loss of speed.
The cruise in the VY commodore was very good. Smooth & not at all throttle hungry, but then again it has a lot better power to weight than my Prado which is really aggressive.
Often it will reach 106km/h over a climb when set to 100.... probably the worst time you want extra speed over a blind crest...its just too slow to respond & being a 4 speed, overdrive is very tall, it loses speed, changes back to 3rd & guns it. If the
hill is moderately steep it will not reach 100 again so it will be full throttle in 3rd all the way up. If the crest is sharp, it will be a full throttle for a full second before it backs off. This allows the speed to increase so much over the speed limit set.
Cruise is a different way to drive a car & you need to be aware of its limitations.....you need to watch ahead for corners etc that you know you won't be able to navigate safely at the set speed.......often you might move your foot to 'cover' the brakes, you can do the same with the cruise on....
I find the cruise excellent at allowing you to watch the road without having to watch your speedo & thus taking your eye of the road. I find that without cruise if I see a white commodore approaching, the first thing I do is look at my speed, with the cruise on I just need to continue watching the road.