Monday, Jul 26, 2010 at 21:22
Hi Jim
i dont think i have made any negative "statements" about the business or the product, i have been very happy with the fridge (still am), i have purchased many items from the ABR store and will purchase again.
i can appreciate that you are a business member and probably have a different perspective about threads relating to products sold by other members than the average punter- so be it!
I have read many threads about the quality or reliability of many products on here, waeco, engel, nissan, toyota, hema, navman etc etc etc and people having problems with them, i cant see how my topic is any different (except its a product sold by an exploreoz business member).
All i was stating was my specific problem which happens to be with a sidewinder fridge and asked for
feedback from other owners who would have an unbiased response.
Dont read too much into things jim- give that some thought!