ns pajero 3.2 did /missing and low power problems

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 16:43
ThreadID: 80437 Views:32042 Replies:2 FollowUps:10
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my mates ns pajero /09 diesel developed problems recently its only done 70000 km's
it was missing on cold start up and was guttless onroad took into dealer in perth as still well inside its warranty period
mitsu admitted they have had problems with manifold and throttle body and ecu sensors and catylic convertor as they were all badly sooted up with carbon

they replaced under warranty

the original manifold with a modified one
and put in new catylic convertor and throttle body and ecu/ sensors

he did 173000km's in his previous model paj and never put a spanner on it
but this NS model has a throttle body control on it like petrol motors have
to comply with latest polutions regulations and there lies the absus
he has spoken to two other country dealers and when the problems were mentioned they new all about it but had'nt cracked a lay until confronted which in my opinion is typical behavior

so ns paj owners beware

i also went on www.triton.net site and they are having soot problems with several of the 07---to 08 models 2.5"s diesel tritons
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Reply By: Member - Jeff P (SA) - Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 18:18

Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 18:18
These two problems are well known to Auto NS Pajero owners, The manifold was poor design and is replaced under warranty if and when the problem occurs.

I think you will find it was not the catalytic converter but the PDF (Particulate Diesel Filter) which was a problem early on but is long since fixed by MM with software updates to the ECU, your mate needs to ensure he has the absolute latest ECU update done. ( I know, I had the issue). The PDF issue is not restricted to NS Pajero Auto's, several other makes have had the issue as well. The PDF is there to meet Euro 4 standards but only the auto needs it, the latest Pajero the NT does not have one in its latest version and a modified one in earlier versions.
AnswerID: 425845

Follow Up By: patsproule - Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:35

Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:35
It's actually called a DPF. PDF's are and Adobe product :)

To the original poster - Many if not most modern diesels now have a throttle body in the manifold. They are under ECU control and close off at low revs to reduce induction noise, and also partially close under certain load conditions to force draw-through of EGR.

The main problem with the NS manifold design was that a sensor mounted on the bottom would clog up from EGR soot and PCV oil. The new manifold moves the sensor to the top. As Jeff mentions, it's only the NS Auto that suffers the problem.

There is heaps of info on these over at the pajero club forums.

FollowupID: 696390

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff P (SA) - Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:40

Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:40
"It's actually called a DPF. PDF's are and Adobe product :) "

Oops, yeah what he said
FollowupID: 696391

Follow Up By: OREJAP - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 10:40

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 10:40
Exactly what the others have mentioned & this problem was a warranty "Fix" by MMAL. Prior to purchasing my NT I was concerned about the DPF problem & enquired about same with the local dealer & Service manager. I was told about a customer who experienced problems (until fixed under recall/warranty) of the DPF light coming on so often & staying on (If that happens you must take the vehicle into a MM dealership immediately) that MMAL gave him $2,500 of Myer vouchers as an apology for the inconvenience caused....he had taken the vehicle into dealerships on his trip around OZ....22 times!!!
FollowupID: 696418

Follow Up By: Member - mazcan - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:53

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:53
hi guy
sorry about the wrong terminolgy i new what i ment dpf
but wrote it wrongly
it appears that the polution control on diesels have become so restictive that they are expecting the motors to run on their own excreta
thanks for the photos that prove it not working in essence is actually causing more polution-- imho
i will show them to my mate but he saw several manifolds etc that came off many others that have had the modifications done at the dealers

mmal- were pointing the finger at the australian fuel
but as he told them he has been using woolworths diesel in this auto for 70,000km's and has used it for 173,000km's in his previous manual diesel without any problems what so ever

but in my opinion-- mmal- new what the quality of the australian fuel was ( as do all other vehicle supliers ) long before they released this engine to be used here in aus

and the fact that they have supplied a modified system under warranty hints very strongly that they are admitting guilt to the problem and just using the fuel as a softener
to the real issue

question to a techo

why do the autos have to have this extra polution equipmt that causes the problem
but the manuals dont need it
FollowupID: 696431

Follow Up By: Member - mazcan - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 13:52

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 13:52
hi guys
what also concerns me about mmal's quick fix is that they are _ not_ removing the heads and cleaning the tops of the pistons and the valves and ports these
will be equally sooted as are the manifolds etc and anyone like me who has seen the internals of a badly caboned up head will know what i'm talking about
and i'm not trying to scare monger anyone
but just giving you a very clear warning on what you can expect so be it !!!!!!!

i would be very hesitant in buying a s/hand paj or triton even if it has had the modication done
because of the amount of carbon that was not removed from the interior head section
what they are doing is enough to get the vehicle through the warranty period and then its your baby or anyones who buys it later on

the carboned up head that was'nt cleaned at the time of original problem will raise its uggly head down the track
cheers and good luck
FollowupID: 696439

Follow Up By: OREJAP - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:31

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:31
A friend had the misfortune of his Patrol just stopping due to number 3 cylinder departing company with it's brothers & sisters!!! The old 3 ltr hand grenade stories have sent shudders through the Nissan Patrol fraternity just like the stories about Jeeps catching fire,Land Rovers leaking oil & the lastest is the disappearing oil in the new V8 diesel Land cruisers!!! What vehicle hasn't experienced some "glitch" Lets all hope for the sake of US consumers these companies fix the problems or at least acknowledge them & provide a service that should be forthcoming & not blaming everything else other than their own poor engineering. I wonder how the Class action against Nissan is going? For the record I had a 1998 GU 2.8 Patrol and travelled nearly 200,000km with it & never a problem...the new owner has travelled 380,000 and it's still going strong. My NP 3.2 auto diesel travelled 178,000 and apart from a valve in the injector pump (fixed under warranty) never a problem.
FollowupID: 696444

Follow Up By: Member - mazcan - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 15:20

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 15:20
hi orejap
its very hard to know what one should buy these days when your shelling out such big dollars
i was talking to a female staffer who ha already sold several
nissan patrols had been sent to the local shopping center to look after customers while nissan had a vehicle on display

i was having a casual conversation about nissan vehicles and what's coming and happened to say that
i hope that the next one is better than the present grenade to which she replied that she has never heard anything of the kind and thought i was having a lend of her
i said well obviously your senior sales staff are keeping it from you because everyone in australia knows about the grenade problems

she was taken back when i related the problems to her in a nice and fair manner as i dont slag women and admire them having a go in what has been a male dominated culture
i said she should go home and get on the patrol web site and learn all about what they are not telling her at work because otherwise she will be made a fool of at some stage in the future as a sales person

she was gratefull of my advice and mentioned it's not easy working with guys who like to think they are better at selling than women
so it appears your never going to get the truth out of sales people if they can hide it
FollowupID: 696448

Reply By: awill4x4 - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 11:01

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 11:01
EGR carbon buildup is such a massive problem that usually rears its head when warranty is up but the Pajero/Triton 3.2 motors usually show symptons within the warranty period which is a bonus for the owner.
Don't think that any other manufacturer is any better it's just they aren't presenting the problems "yet".
Below are pics of a 3.2 Triton inlet manifold showing the extent of the problem, being a 2 piece manifold it really puts the issue into perspective.
I've got an NS Pajero with 45,000 kms on the clock and I'm sure my manifold will look very similar but it hasn't presented problems as yet apart from an erratic idle so I'll be in at Mitsubishi demanding they have a look at the inlet manifold for Carbon foulup problems.
When it's cleaned I will then block the EGR from the exhaust manifold which will then prevent it ever happening again.
Don't preach to me about it being illegal due to the emission laws, I know that already. Don't think that your Landcruiser, Prado, Colorado, Patrol etc is any better, any vehicle using EGR for emission control will be doing exactly the same thing.
Regards Andrew.
PS: Many thanks to the posters on the newtriton.net forum for showing the problem so clearly.

AnswerID: 425890

Follow Up By: Outbackogre - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:43

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:43
Andrew, I'm keen to purchase an NP Did Paj, and am anxious about the potential carbon build up on a vehicle that's done over 150,000 kms and well out of warranty.
Do you know how many km's the Triton in question had done? Would a Paj as I've described have similar issues? Thanks. Rob.
FollowupID: 696429

Follow Up By: awill4x4 - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 21:16

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 21:16
Sorry Rob but I'm unsure if the NP has EGR for emission controls. I know that all the Mitsubishi CRD (common rail diesels) use EGR. I think that that particular Triton had done over 100,000 kms
There's a couple of links from the newtriton forum below on this issue and some of the symptoms they present with.
They are pretty long but the Triton guys seem to be very proactive with regards to fronting up to Mitsubishi with the problem.
Regards Andrew.


FollowupID: 696483

Follow Up By: Outbackogre - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 22:53

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 22:53
Thanks Andrew.
FollowupID: 696490

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