a lucky break

Submitted: Saturday, Jul 31, 2010 at 22:45
ThreadID: 80441 Views:3310 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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Ren, Lee and myself are kickin back at 80 mile beach, enjoying the warm days, although a bit blowy, and the balmy nights, which are a nice change from the sub zero's experienced on the CSR.
Today, mum was feeling a bit off, so it was up to Lee and I to get today's catch !
Lee was more interested in shell collecting so I rigged up and tossed her in the drink with a big Mulloway on my mind. Lee soon decided he wanted a piece of the action, so I jammed my rod in the rod holder and proceeded to rig up his rod.
Then disaster struck, out of the corner of my eye, my rod tip bent over, almost touching the sand and woompaah!!!, the rod sailed into the air, bounced of the sand and went into the drink never to be seen again! Doh !
After much cursing, I rigged up Rens rod, and Lee and I continued for the next 2 hrs fishing and enjoying our surrounds, even though I continued to curse my misfortune in the back of my head.
A fellow up the beach had something big on, and Lee saw the almighty struggle and bolted the 200m up the beach to get an eyeful of the action. He came back 20 min later and told me he only caught a ray, and it was as big as the cruiser!
Before we new it, the tide was on its way out and the days fishing was over! The bloke 200m up from us stopped by, we had a mag and discovered we were both EO members. I told him of my rod losing anticts, and with a smile and a wink, he exited his drivers seat, opened the doors of his troopy, and low and behold, in his hand was my sand and salt encrusted Alvey rod and reel ! You beauty!!! with a hearty handshake and a slap on the back, we later retired that evening for a beer and get to know! On ya REDBACK !

I luv travlin!

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Reply By: Member - mazcan - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:47

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:47
hi evren1 well
it pays to have a chat to others passing by on the beach does;nt it otherwise you would'nt have got the rod back from an honest bloke

i have followed your journey up the csr and around on-- eotrackme--
as i have done with several others across australia to learn more about the system
it is a marvelous system and find it very interesting
i have a hemma great desert tracks north west sheet map on the wall near the computor and can refer to it and relate roughly to gps readings although they are never the exact same
it gives a rough idea of each travelers position and in relation to any blogs that one reads of each travellers trip
hope you continue enjoying the fishing and are more successfull in getting a feed maybe you need to t
tie the rod to the 4x4 next time
cheers barry
AnswerID: 425904

Follow Up By: Member - mazcan - Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:50

Sunday, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:50
should have said ( it gives me a rough idea of each travellers position)
FollowupID: 696447

Reply By: BrownyGU - Monday, Aug 02, 2010 at 10:30

Monday, Aug 02, 2010 at 10:30
Hi Evan,

Do Alvey reels not have a drag system?
AnswerID: 425956

Follow Up By: Member - mazcan - Tuesday, Aug 03, 2010 at 11:53

Tuesday, Aug 03, 2010 at 11:53
hi brownygu
yes they do
it's activated by leaning backwards at 45degrees and digging your heals into the sand and holding on " til death do us part"
FollowupID: 696625

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