Nullagine Rd - head on collision...
Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 04, 2010 at 21:21
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Diesel 'n Dust
You may have seen on tonight's news or ABC radio about an accident occurring last night on the
Marble Bar Nullagine Rd. Two fatalities and a few seriously injured.
I went passed the site of the accident today and had heard local and radio reports that it involved two vehicles in a head on collision. By then the vehicles had been towed away. It was on a rise that has a slight bend in it. Alcohol may have been a factor - I'm not sure
As some of you may be aware that this road from
Newman northbound is frequently used by Heavy Vehicles supplying FMG's operations. The condition of this road is appalling. As one truckie described it as ' A national disgrace'. The corrugations are shocking. The heavies drive 10km/h.
Yes I agree that this road and probably many others need greater funding! But I'll leave that debate for another time...
It just goes to show how a split second lapse of concentration can cause such a fatal accident.
And please keep to the left when approaching a CREST!!!!
So just a final thought please everyone take care on dirt roads!
Reply By: get outmore - Thursday, Aug 05, 2010 at 09:45
Thursday, Aug 05, 2010 at 09:45
That road used to be very good to excellent. i understood that accident took place past the FMG operations closer to
I have seen 1 rollover on that road and 1/2 an hour previosly The guy had passed us driving like a maniac passing me on a blind corner
Follow Up By: Member - Tony S (WA) - Friday, Aug 06, 2010 at 01:23
Friday, Aug 06, 2010 at 01:23
Hi get outmore,
Ball bearing gravel.
Travelling to fast!!
Reply By: Member - BUNDY BOY (WA) - Friday, Aug 13, 2010 at 22:53
Friday, Aug 13, 2010 at 22:53
To us whom drive it a lot its known as the truck break road......for obvious reasons...i agree its a nasty ass road.........a few years back there were three graders on it full time ...and wasn't in bad condition .but was told by a council member .....they had blown there budget out and was going to only be 1
grader....two weeks a month.........aaaahhhhhhhhhhh so you now see why...its such a bad road ..........all trucks going that way...hate it .......its nasty .........avoid it if u can
Follow Up By: get outmore - Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 at 00:05
Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 at 00:05
3 years ago it was a great road,
the christmas creek
mine etc wernt fully cranked up so not as many trucks
id imagine since then wedgetail has cranked up which would mean trucks all the way to
there was constant roadworks improving the creek crossings
there was never 3 graders on it though, most I saw was 1 and that was on 1 occasion