Tuesday, Jan 04, 2011 at 19:57
Hi Axle & Dunworkin,
Sorry for late reply I've been away today.
Axle, after iI went to bed last night, I thought of Earthquakes & Cyclones and all the other things Nature can throw at us. However with a flood the stink is awful, it gets into your electrical wiring etc .and Nature does take it's course but Dunworkin is also correct about these sick firebugs. Live by fire, die by fire, I heard a true story about a fire truck who's crew found this bloke in the act, I'll say no more than that they didn't do enough to him.
Dunworkin, I think drowning would be better than burning to death and Hubby & I have our own
views on what should be done to fire bugs. Firebugs in many cases are terrorists & murderers. We believe in an eye for an eye etc.
The punishment doesn't siut the crime and until it does these sickos will continue to terrorise and murder There is all Law & no justice in this country.
P.S. We miss our old dogs too.
Better go or I'll be checked for " Off Topic".
With best wishes to you both.
Take care, keep safe.
Bye for now, Ma