Caravannings Great, But the the permanents in parts of Rocky......

Submitted: Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 18:19
ThreadID: 83408 Views:2949 Replies:1 FollowUps:3
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My Heart Goes out to those that have nothing left!!!. Very hard to pick up the bits when a flood of that magnitude Rips through a park!

Cheers Axle.
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Reply By: Members Pa & Ma. - Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 20:38

Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 20:38
Hi Axle,
Yes Axle, what a horrible situation & our thoughts are with every one in all of these floods.
We live in The Great Otway National Park Vic. and are in a very high fire risk area.
Hubby & I have been discussing which would be worse?

In a flood you're left with nothing as well as death of people and animals then disgusting, stinking filthy mess to clean up.
Most Insurance companies won't cover floods.

Fire absolutely terrifying, it causes great pain in burns & death, of people & animals once again you're left with nothing. Insurance companies will cover it if you have Insurance but it takes forever to rebuild.

Either way, it's a dreadful thing to happen and our hearts go out to the victims of either.
The Police , (in most cases ) and the rescue workers too.
Sometimes I don't agree with Dorothea McKenna's poem. However, it's happening all over the world.
Take care, keep safe
AnswerID: 440609

Follow Up By: Axle - Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 20:56

Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 20:56
Yep!, You have covered both sides Guys, But alass nature takes its course

and all we can do is deal with it the best we can.

Cheers Axle
FollowupID: 712528

Follow Up By: Member - Dunworkin (WA) - Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 23:38

Monday, Jan 03, 2011 at 23:38
Hi Pa & Ma, you have definitely covered it all, we have given that some thought as well, If I had a choice I think I would pick the flood, as devastating as it is the thought of getting burnt terrifies me no end, I can't swim as I have a fear of water but I would go for that instead of fire. When a fire goes through there is nothing left, a flood you still have the structure of your home there (on most cases) albeit a dreadful mess but that can be fixed.
Axle, you are right when you say 'nature takes it's course,' that is correct as far as flood is concerned however with fire there are so many firebugs around these days with no consideration whatsoever for others (they seem to get their kicks out of stretching our fire units to the max). If it wasn't for the firebugs we wouldn't have a fraction of the fires we have now. Most of our fires are man made, the small percentage is nature taking it's course.



Simba, our much missed baby.

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FollowupID: 712545

Follow Up By: Members Pa & Ma. - Tuesday, Jan 04, 2011 at 19:57

Tuesday, Jan 04, 2011 at 19:57
Hi Axle & Dunworkin,
Sorry for late reply I've been away today.
Axle, after iI went to bed last night, I thought of Earthquakes & Cyclones and all the other things Nature can throw at us. However with a flood the stink is awful, it gets into your electrical wiring etc .and Nature does take it's course but Dunworkin is also correct about these sick firebugs. Live by fire, die by fire, I heard a true story about a fire truck who's crew found this bloke in the act, I'll say no more than that they didn't do enough to him.

Dunworkin, I think drowning would be better than burning to death and Hubby & I have our own views on what should be done to fire bugs. Firebugs in many cases are terrorists & murderers. We believe in an eye for an eye etc.
The punishment doesn't siut the crime and until it does these sickos will continue to terrorise and murder There is all Law & no justice in this country.
P.S. We miss our old dogs too.
Better go or I'll be checked for " Off Topic".
With best wishes to you both.
Take care, keep safe.
Bye for now, Ma
FollowupID: 712603

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