Thursday, Jan 13, 2011 at 16:36
Division 19 — Other lights, reflectors, rear marking plates
or signals
112. Other lights and reflectors
(1) In this rule —
exempt vehicle means —
(a) an emergency vehicle;
(b) an Australian Protective Service vehicle;
(c) an Australian Customs Service vehicle;
(d) an Airservices Australia vehicle; or
(e) any other type of vehicle approved by the Director
General and used in conformity with any conditions that
may be imposed by the Director General;
special use vehicle means —
(a) a vehicle built or fitted for use in hazardous situations on
a road;
(b) a vehicle that because of its dimensions is permitted to
be driven on a road only in accordance with a notice or
permit issued under a law of this State;
(c) a vehicle built or fitted to accompany a vehicle
mentioned in paragraph (b);
(d) a bus fitted, before July 1999, with a
sign telling road
users that the bus carries children;
(e) a transport enforcement vehicle;
(f) any other type of vehicle approved by the Director
General and used in conformity with any conditions that
may be imposed by the Director General.
(2) A vehicle may be fitted with any light or reflector not
mentioned in the Vehicle Standards.
(3) However, unless subrule (4) applies, a vehicle must not
display —
(a) a light that flashes; or
(b) a light or reflector that —
(i) shows a red light to the front;
(ii) shows a white light to the rear; or
(iii) is shaped or located in a way that reduces the
effectiveness of a light or reflector that is
required to be fitted to the vehicle under the
Vehicle Standards.
(4) Despite any requirement of a third edition ADR —
(a) an exempt vehicle may be fitted with any light or
reflector approved by the Director General; and
(b) a special use vehicle may be fitted with one or more
flashing yellow lights (or flashing lights of another
colour or colours approved by the Director General).
[Rule 112 amended in Gazette 3 Jan 2003 p. 4.]