Call Sign VH-CXD belonged to a DC-3 / C47 Airplane , it’s Constructors Number 1944. USAAF Serial Number 44-83228. This aircraft was owned by ANA (Australian National Airways) and leased to the USAAF. It was delivered to the RAAF in August 1943.
The aircraft was severely damaged during a Japanese air raid against 7-Mile Drome, PNG on August 17, 1942. and out of commission for two months.
An entry in a log for this plane is shown as DC-3, CXD on 2 April 1944 with ANA Capt Hack, P/O Bennet and Sgt Freeman as crew. This flight was
Brisbane -
Charleville -
Cloncurry - Gorrie -
Batchelor - Gorrie - Fenton -
Cloncurry -
Brisbane, involving 21hr 30min daytime flying and 4hr 15min night flying on 2nd and 3rd of April- a real marathon.
On 23 April 1944 it again flew with Capt Hack with F/Sgt Herrigan as crew to
Melbourne (6hr 20min) and returned the next day in 5 hours flying.
On May 5th 1945 it crashed on top of a
hill while approaching Higgins Field (
Bamaga) in the early morning to land. All on board were killed.
Pilot Capt N L Taylor, ANA (civilian pilot), Co-Pilot W/O J H Hornbrook, (432183)
Co-Pilot #2 F/Sgt N T Browne, 436542, RAAF (co-pilot trainee) Radio W/O A H Gidley, 415975, RAAF
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HORNBROOK, James Hillman - (Warrant Officer); Service Number - 432183; - Casualty - Aircraft - DC3 VHCXD; Place - Higgins Field, Queensland; Date - 5 May 1945
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The wreckage still remains. It is fenced off, and a memorial
plaque is near the tail to honor the crew.
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Thanks goes to my good friend Peter Dunn's Oz@War website in
Brisbane for the Info and photo's.