Thursday, Feb 24, 2011 at 23:36
Whilst replacing the subject pressure switch I had to remove one of the ARB locker solenoids, and to to so I had to disassemble it in situ to do so. Otherwise it was going to be a long knuckle skinning exercise.
I noticed on the the solenoid spec sticker that it was rated to 150PSI.
I also have a bit to do with a 4WD Comp vehicle and it had an issue with one of the lockers which was initially thought to be a blown locker seal in the diff, however was a cracked copper internal delivery tube.
Whilst making enquiries at ARB about this problem I was assured that their locker seals could take 150psi all day long and never blow. (?????) I accepted that and it would appear to be correct.
The Comp truck was running a 120psi pressure switch which caused me to ask the questions. But there you go, that stood by 150psi.
I know the ARB compressor with the little air tank on it (Original one - not the new mini compressor) used to blow the air tank seal at around 101psi(LOL). Just a chit of a thing really, and its possible the new mini compressors don't have that problem, and can handle 150psi OK. I'm just guessing here.