Wednesday, Nov 12, 2003 at 22:08
Gday all
I sort of agree, after 12 years of driving around in circles on the
test track listening to the same questions from people who after the fist ten minutes all begin to look & sound the same, it does get a bit monotinouse ( god wished i could spell). as to discounts from display people , i have a bit of an insite into what they think as i work for a great meny of them ,the reason you dont get huge discounts is the fact that the outlay to attend the show against the number of sales needed to pay for going,makes it hard to give big discounts , you have to remeber that the vast majority who go to these shows are nothing but wheel kickers.
So if you want to attract, both sellers & buyers to a country show you will need it to be vastly differant to the current show, you will need to be prepared for an up
hill battle to make it pay to cover insurance ,ground hire, advertising ect. not an easy ask in anybody 's speak
hay that dont mean it can't be done , i might even have a few sujestions to help if you decide to go ahead & give it a go
Regards Bruce