Silver Thermal Padded Insulation for Windows

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:27
ThreadID: 84715 Views:32190 Replies:8 FollowUps:0
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Hi there

Does anyone know where you can get the insulation that is attached by suckers to the back windows of your car.

I have seen it in a few 4WD but have had no luck in trying to locate it.

Any help appreciated.

Thank you
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Reply By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:32

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:32
Call Solar Screen (QLD) 07 3398 5500

Cheers Kev
Russell Coight:
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AnswerID: 447080

Reply By: Von Helga - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:42

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:42

You can get them made at a cost
I saw on a forum about a bloke using silver backed foam from Clark Rubber.
I decided to give it a shot
I broght the foam and suction cups but the cups idea was not the best.
I decided to use small dollops of silicon direct to the glass, works great and drops the temp in the back of my 100 series by 8 degs c
Cost less than $100

AnswerID: 447081

Reply By: Member - David T (SA) - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 14:34

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 14:34
Hi Sean & Maureen
I have made my own. Buy a cheap windscreen shade from a cheap discount store. Then buy some suction hooks from same type of store. A bit of cutting and tape and you have what you need. I find they work really well and since they are so cheap to make I'm not worried if they fall to bits after a year or two. Having said that my current ones are about 3 years old and are still OK.
AnswerID: 447086

Reply By: SDG - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 15:41

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 15:41
Are they legal?
Was told by mechanic and window tinters, that your rear windows can be tinted as dark as you want. Can even paint them. But you are not allowed to use that silver foil insulation stuff (I suggested it as I had some for my front window). Something about the chance of the headlights refleciting back at other cars.
AnswerID: 447092

Reply By: Ozhumvee - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 18:57

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 18:57
Alternatively buy some of the bubble wrap insulation blanket from an insulation place or hardware store and cut your own to suit, either use suction cups or velcro dots to hold them in place.
AnswerID: 447123

Reply By: Alan S (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 20:55

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 20:55

Last weekend I made my own, bought some cheap windscreen shades. The real cheap ones are single piece so you dont even need to stitch the edges after you have cut to size.

Got some suction cups from ebay (not the ones with hooks on) and bought a cheap brass eyelet kit.

The ends of the suction cups fit through the eyelets fairly firmly so no need to work out how to try to attach them.

All up probably $30-$40 total cost. And as some one else said if they break so what. The suction cups can be reused when you make the next set.

Once the fridge is in the back i cant see out of the right rear, and when the TVan is on total rear view is blocked so i dont think there is an issue when travelling.

AnswerID: 447143

Reply By: Sean and Maureen - Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 21:45

Wednesday, Mar 02, 2011 at 21:45
Thank you all for your ideas, we are definitely going to try the "make our own" first, sounds an easy option.

And if it doesn't work well for us, we still have time to save up and buy the ones from SolarScreen.

Cheers again

AnswerID: 447159

Reply By: Mike DiD - Thursday, Mar 03, 2011 at 10:50

Thursday, Mar 03, 2011 at 10:50
Bunnings sell it by the roll as carpet underlay.

When I'm parked, I attach it to the outside of the car using supermagnets - once the heat has heated up teh glass and got inside it's too late. Amazingly effective in full sun.
AnswerID: 447198

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