Wednesday, Mar 30, 2011 at 18:19
Hi Tanka,
People quite often use opportunities like this to vent frustrations with the world and also put out there things that have been annoying them and they finally have the chance to get them off their chest. Pretty much like what you have just done above really. Yes it was in response but the gripes they have hilighted were clearly not dirercted at you personally because you conduct yourself in a respectful manner on the site.
Lets face it, the people not saying thanks are not all going to be
young, and on welfare, and have seven kids who cough without covering their mouths and pass gas at the dinner table, infact i bet alot of them are from the older generation also.
You pay
membership to have access to and contribute to what is a very informative and excellent source of combined knowledge which your
membership enables to continue. Along the way you will come across a few links where people get to have a little whinge. Big Deal.
Quite honestly i am happy to pay
membership to contribute to a site that offers fantastic advise even if it does come smelling of mothballs from a guy with his shorts tucked up under his armpits and one hair growing from his left nostril that catches the light when he turns his head waiting in the pension
cue for the fortnightly payout..........generalisation yes, but its just a bit of fun!!