Wednesday, Apr 13, 2011 at 22:32
I must say, that as much as you have said the honest differences between the 2, I strongly disagree that either is better than the other. Your response sounds very similar to some 'propaganda' I read and eventually led me to the purchase of our yamaha 9 months ago.
Since then, and due to some amount of flooding encountered over QLD, and believing my unit was safe, and was not, I have become the new owner of a
little red honda.
The ONLY reason I swapped to honda, was that the mechanic trying to fix my yamaha, after many hours servicing, realising the electrics where fried, and consequently giving me an offer way to good to refuse, was a honda dealer!
Each to there own, but I am happier with the
little red. Forgetting 'advertised' fiqures, I believe it is quieter, ergonomically better designed despite not having 'everything' on one panel, and in reality the fuel cap is not a problem at all, not even a little, actually i forgot it was smaller.
It does NOT leave any petrol smell at all, the tank is smaller yes, but from memory, the yamaha runs for 12 hours the honda for 10.
Either way, and more to the point of the question, they are both great, and suited us for what we wanted. As said before, we would only consider the extra weight and bulk if we had an aircon unit.