Monday, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:00
There are around 30-40 species of ants around
Perth, so I still can't help you there!
Ant Sand, made by Mortein, is available in Bunnings and I think Woolies, etc. It is made up of granules (hence the name) and is usually spread lightly around on pavement, ant tracks and nests. I just tip a whole lot down the nest and it seems to clear them out (kill them) quite quickly.
It contains Bifenthrin 2g/kg and is toxic to dogs, fish and other pets.
This poison is only to be used as an outdoor product. For indoor applications, I use Ant Liquid (available in small white bottles). Seems to work well on those pesky little black ants that get into everything.
Being allergic to the Jack Jumper sting, I'm doing everything in my power to control the little blighters.
Good luck!