Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 05:52
I work on the "what if".
What if I did not apply the oil to the filter properly ?
Then I am in trouble.... dust in motor.
I will only use paper filters, and drop them every 2000km if it's that dusty..
I do not care of the $25 cost. That is a lot cheaper than replacing motors.
Also Dyno tuning my vehicle every 18 months has taught me one thing, and that is unless you are chacing horsepower than keep air cleaners as standard as possible.
Why would I be chasing horsepower where we go with our 4B..
Stay around towns and cities, and you have a different senario, but we live in the bush, go on large Desert and outback trips, and need clean air, not "maybe maybe air".
And most reputable diesal tuning shops will tell you the same thing.