ipad2 and GPS

Submitted: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 18:35
ThreadID: 86544 Views:6022 Replies:7 FollowUps:17
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Have heard ipad 2 can run the most popular GPS systems ,any clues out there. I know on a laptop you need parallels for windows apps.
Thanks for any assistance.

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Reply By: Member - Jim - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 19:04

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 19:04

Look at the bitmap app

AnswerID: 455461

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 19:23

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 19:23
I'll second that. It runs my Ozi files without conversion. Remember that you have to have the 3G version to get the GPS chip. Mike
FollowupID: 728365

Follow Up By: Mike DiD - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 20:11

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 20:11
But it will not run OziExplorer.
FollowupID: 728368

Follow Up By: Gary.L - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 20:53

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 20:53
Bit map is great for topo's

Tom Tom is good for finding your way around town/cities
FollowupID: 728371

Follow Up By: prado4x4 - Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 10:16

Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 10:16
I've been an oziexplorer user in the past (WindowsCE version mainly) so my comments on the bitmap app have been influenced by wanting to use as much of my existing maps/tracks/waypoint files from ozi as I can.

It works ok (and is good value for the price - $4.99 from memory). I do have some issues with it though. Most of these issues are outlined in the file aquisistion guide available of the bitmap website. http://nixanz.com but they do mean quite a bit of additional work for me if I go this way (it's not just a case of loading up my oziexplorer files and off I go).

When loading some of my ozi map files (hema maps) into bitmap, it gave warning that some of the map projections are not supported (eg: Lambert Conformal Conic) and that my location may not be accurately shown. I'm unure yet whether I can convert the projection to one that is supported by bitmap or not.

Bitmap supports ozf2 and some older ozfx3 format files, but not the later (post v3.03 Image2Ozf) formatted files (as they now have encryption in them). Of course I have some maps that I've converted that are in the newer ozfx3 format which I would have to redo if I can.

Of course I also have to convert all of my tracks, waypoints and route files to KML format files as that what bitmap uses. There are free tools available that will do the conversion though.

Another annoying issue for me was that there can only ever be one "active" waypoint/route file open at a time. So if I'm recording where I am going (route/track), and creating waypoints along the way, they are all stored in the same KML file. Thus when recording has finished, I have to manually edit the KML file to sepearte my waypoints from my track/route. (You can have multiple non active files open/visible though. So one file showing a pre-recorded track/route you are following, and another with the pre-loaded waypoints/points of interest in it).

Anyhow, they are just a few things to think about. It's certainly not up to oziexplorerCE standard, but then again it's only $5 so no complaints there.

If you are an existing oziexploer user with lots of maps / tracks files / waypoint files etc - another option worth investigating is the TwoNav software. Unfortunately it's $79.99 so not cheap on the iPad/iPhone. If you have another device (android, windowsCE/mobile etc you can download a trial version to give it a go free). It uses standard ozi track (*.trk) and waypoint (*.wpt) files as is. It does not read ozi *.map files (and thier associated images) as is though, they must be converted to *.rmap format. Using the companies CompeGPS Land software on a PC (free version is fine) and a free set of DLL files for reading ozi files, the maps convert easily and quickly (I've used it for ecw, ozf2 and ozfx3 - incl new/encrypted ozfx3 files) with no issues at all.

Anyhow, just some info to think about. We all have different needs/requirements and history (exisiting maps, files, etc).


FollowupID: 728413

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 15:03

Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 15:03
Hey John, Thanks for that detailed info. Very informative to me. Cheers Mike
FollowupID: 728445

Follow Up By: DayDream Imports - Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 17:32

Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 17:32
Thanks Great post.

Cheers Danny
Danny Hanrahan

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FollowupID: 728462

Follow Up By: prado4x4 - Friday, May 27, 2011 at 10:37

Friday, May 27, 2011 at 10:37
Glad to help out.
FollowupID: 728506

Follow Up By: prado4x4 - Friday, May 27, 2011 at 11:00

Friday, May 27, 2011 at 11:00
A bit more info for you on TwoNav/compeGPS-Land

You can download (free) a 3D model of Australia that allows you to view your map (eg: Hema's Vic High Country map) in 3D showing the elevations, tracks going up/down hills, etc which is quite neat.

You can also run turn by turn vector mapping (tom-tom style) with voice for your around town street directions in TwoNav. There is an Australian version available from GPSAustralia I believe for $80.

I haven't tried this out though, as I use the MetroView-Australia-HD app for my turn by turn navigation ($20 on iStore) which is cheaper and has worked fine for me around Perth and Melbourne.

FollowupID: 728509

Reply By: Member - Boobook - Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 12:17

Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 12:17
Memory Map make an IPAD version. Memory map is my favorite, not as extensive as Oziexplorer but much easier to use and beats it for dual maps displays etc.

It is also re-badged as VMS mapping but it is the same thing.
AnswerID: 455528

Reply By: dublediff - Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 21:06

Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 21:06
Mud maps is another, cheap program, it is free from itunes, maps are sold but cheap. Not too sure about detail of maps, only used it on my iphone as a bit of test against my asus pda with ozi ce.
AnswerID: 455574

Reply By: prado4x4 - Friday, May 27, 2011 at 10:51

Friday, May 27, 2011 at 10:51
I also looked at memory-map and mud-maps (when figuring out which iPad offroad navigation app would suit me).

memory-map worked very well, but my issue with it was that I already had all my maps in an oziexplorer format, and memory-map won't use them. All maps have to be in memory-maps own format, and I couldn't find any simple way to convert my maps to thier format so would have to buy them. If you have no maps at all, and will be buying maps from scratch, then memory-map would be a good option (Hema series, NatMap 1:250,000 series, more detailed topo maps of vic/nsw, but not WA available to purchase, etc).

mud-maps didn't do it for me as it had too many issues when I tried it out. You must use thier downloaded/purchased maps, no hema maps available (only gregories 4wd touring series that's sort of equivalent), no detailed topo maps, only works in portrait mode. Plus there is no PC version of the software to allow you to preplan a trip (pre-create waypoints, routes, tracks, etc as you can with memory-map and twoNav/compeGPS-Land i mentioned in a previous post)

Oh yes, the VMS maps for iPad/iPhone is actually mud-maps (not memory-map) with some bundled maps (Gregory 4wd series, and 1:250K Natmaps). If anybody is going this way, it's cheaper than getting the mud-maps app and then buying the maps seperately.

Again, I hope the info helps out.

AnswerID: 455610

Follow Up By: Member - SKL - Tuesday, Jun 21, 2011 at 17:37

Tuesday, Jun 21, 2011 at 17:37
Ok thanks everyone. So if in my case i have no digital map programms ,ie im starting from scratch and buy an ipad 2 wifi and gps model ,what does it have preinstalled and what do i need. eg for navigating to top end, birdsville canning etc.. I have all the Hemma paper maps though and a tom tom for city driving. THanks All
FollowupID: 731422

Follow Up By: prado4x4 - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 00:39

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 00:39
In your case SKL I'd recommend the paid version of memory-map (so you can load maps/tracks/waypoints from your pc to your iPad via iTunes). As for maps, I'd say buy the disk ( from the exploreoz shop) of the hema map set in memory map format. It also comes with the complete coverage of Australia in 250k on a topographic map.

Anyhow, just my suggestion.

PS: Don't forget you need to get the 3G version of the iPad, not the wifi version. Only the 3G version has the inbuilt gps chip.

FollowupID: 731502

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 07:08

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 07:08
John, if you have an interest in Memory map, I can let you know how to do convert maps from Ozi format to MM format. There are a few steps but I have done thousands of them. Iyou have any interest let me know.
FollowupID: 731507

Follow Up By: Member - SKL - Monday, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:27

Monday, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:27
Thanks Prado

Ive ordered a ipad 2 GPS model and correct me if im wrong (severly) i want to add Hemma Series Natmap 1:250,000 cd /dvd software inmudmap format. Is that a go, for complete coverage of AUS. with live tracking.


FollowupID: 732068

Follow Up By: Member - SKL - Monday, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:28

Monday, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:28
correction ,memory map not mudmap
FollowupID: 732069

Follow Up By: prado4x4 - Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 at 00:00

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 at 00:00
Thanks for the offer re memory-map conversion BooBook.

I've actually been following some of your instructions on converting ozi format maps to memory-map format maps that I found on another forum.
I've converted most of my oziexplorer maps to memory-map format now. I do agree that memory-map is a very good product on the iPad.

FollowupID: 732242

Reply By: Member - Boobook - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 08:53

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 08:53

One thing to watch is that you have to get an IPAD 2 with the phone option. The Wifi only version doesn't have a GPS.
AnswerID: 458137

Follow Up By: Member - SKL - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 15:54

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2011 at 15:54
Thanks ,all great info and help
FollowupID: 731567

Reply By: Member - cjcpopnan - Friday, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:59

Friday, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:59
Hi all
Just reading this thread. As we are new to this game (GPS stuff) I have a few simple questions that I still need to clarify.

I'm thinking of using (or trial-ing) my ***iPhone 3GS*** for the nav apps. and my questions are as follows (which I have searched everywhere to find an answer for. There is so much confusing information out there for a first timer)

So far I believe that I have to;

1) Download software that enables the GPS functionality on the iPhone (is this Mud Maps/Memory Maps that is referred to? from iTunes/App store.

2) Purchase suitable maps OziExplorer/Hema etc? (digital raster maps)

3) Can anyone tell me simply whether or not using the GPS stuff on an iPhone required connection to provider data services? I have read many contradictory articles on this. It would seem to me that a data connection is not necessary - as - if it is - then the whole GPS issue is useless if you don't have a provider signal (as will happen in the middle of Australia I guess, whereas I would presume satellite coverage is fairly reliable)

Maybe the iPhone GPS functionality if fine for people who only wish to stay 'on road'?? within provider signal area such as in large cities etc...

Help please - all replies appreciated.


AnswerID: 458339

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 at 07:15

Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 at 07:15

An Iphone has an inbuilt GPS chip which can determine your location with or without a phone connection. It it will work anywhere, even the middle of the Pacific Ocean. However it will just tell you where you are and not give you any context such as a map. Eg 46.4567 degrees South, 135.789 degrees East.

On top of that there are varions applications that present the information in a way that makes sense to humans in the form of maps. There are 2 types, phone dependant and stand alone.

Google Maps and most of the typical phone apps need a phone connection to load the map of where you are from the internet. The most common example of this is Google Maps. As there is no mapping information stored in the phone these are useless without the internet. These programs also have "assisted GPS" which can use the phone towers to work out where you are in addition to the GPS. These are great for the city, useless for where there is no reception.

The second class of map applications use maps that you "pre load" into the phone and therefor they will work anywhere. Examples of these are Memory Map ( and VMS which is the same thing), Mud Maps etc. These work with maps produced by themselves, Hema, or government agencies etc.

Oziexplorer have these type of programs for PC's, Windows mobile and Andorid but not Iphones at this stage. However there are some Oziexplorer compatible programs for Iphone. ( not sure of the names, others will know).

In my humble opinion, if you want to travel and use your GPS as an "anywhere in Australia" GPS I would buy Memory Map and get additional mapping such as the outback collection or the HEMA 4wd collection. This will give you complete cover of Australia with just about every track you can ever find.
Easy to use too, which can not be said for many other approaches such as Ozi compatibles.

I hope this helps.

FollowupID: 731855

Follow Up By: Member - cjcpopnan - Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 at 09:35

Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 at 09:35
Hi Boobook

Thank you for the concise information. It's exactly what I needed to know. Again many thanks.



FollowupID: 731863

Reply By: ss--ss - Friday, Jun 24, 2011 at 17:41

Friday, Jun 24, 2011 at 17:41
I use a IPAD1 on the road it's great ! I use gps & heaps of other apps. Make sure you get the camera adaptor. I use this & upload straight to flickr.
AnswerID: 458351

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