RAA Cover?

Submitted: Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 12:56
ThreadID: 86796 Views:3202 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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Hi All,

It's come to renewal time of the year again and having taken up the RAA Premium last year I thought I would just double check the current thoughts and thinking to Roadside Recovery options.

Anyone with any pros and cons? I seem to recall that State to State service changes ie Victoria gets further recovery service than SA but I don't know if you are allowed to purchase Vic cover if in SA?

We're running a Landcruiser 200 series so also discovered that we may be "overweight" for towing anyway at over 3 T unloaded (madness I know).

Heading across Tanami and really would feel safer with something but don't want to have coverage that doesn't cover!
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Reply By: rainbowprof - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 13:29

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 13:29
You need to phone and check eligibility. I know I renewed my RACQ membership one year but I'd changed my licence already and when the time came for a call out they wanted to see my Qld driver's licence. Without the Qld drivers licence I wasn't eligible for a lot of the premium membership perks. It was a costly mistake. Yes, the RACV Total Care is a really good one- I'm covered in any vehicle I drive and anyone who drives my nominated vehicle is covered. I don't know of any weight limitations, it doesn't seem to be listed on their website. Gotta read the fine print.
AnswerID: 456582

Reply By: OREJAP - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 13:32

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 13:32
Why don't you call RAA & ask what the premium cover actually covers? Do they recognise "Tracks" obviously the Tanami is a road but if you break down enquire as to where they would tow you to...would it be the closest RAA depot? Most importantly if you don't know ask..."Is my van covered too?" Many people buy new vehciles that have roadside assist thinking they are fully covered only to find out the hard way that they are not when stuck with a trailer or van on the back.. Phone RACV & ask if you can join if you reside in SA. With the towing weight mentioned, are you suggesting you won't be covered because of the the weight? I don't understand your statement or is it a question? As I understand it you are stating over 3T unladen so you maybe 3.5 tonne loaded .....if you are over the manufacturers limits then you are illegal & therefore not covered in the event of a collision...roll over etc....the insurance company would have to prove that however. I do not know the capabilities of l/cruiser but I would suggest the manufacturer specifications would be around the 3.5 tonne that would be stated in the owners handbook or on the Toyota L/Cruiser web site. If you wish to tow over 3 tonne then God Bless not for me.
AnswerID: 456583

Reply By: jothefw - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 15:23

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 15:23
Thanks for the replies guys.

To clarify - we're running at around 3.4 T GVM and then to add our Kimberley we're fairly heavy, certainly over the 4 T capacity for vehicle plus tow unit for RAA.

I wasn't aware of this until recent checking.

It would appear I can only purchase RAA cover from within SA.

I have discovered that Toyota Road Assist may be the better option with equal cover in places and covers vehicle as well as driver, unlike RAA.

The reason for my initial question was perhaps hidden - I wondered how much people worry about cover? So many heading off the beaten track which won't be covered, is it still worth having when not off the beaten tracks in between! It is a small price to pay for a little peace of mind, chances are you'd kick yourself if you broke down on the bitumen between Broome and Derby and not taken out the cover!!
AnswerID: 456601

Follow Up By: Member - Bruce T (SA) - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 15:43

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 15:43
We dropped a driveshaft in our Troopy last year in about March coming back from Queensland. We rang the NRMA and the person who came out towed our Troopy and Van into town; the van still hooked to the Troopy. We passed the local police officer as we came into town without a hitch. We do wonder if it was legal, but it was a result of our RAA Premium.

If you check Premium you can see that for $160 pa you can get caravan cover. Their website also gives the cover you get. There is also a detaled explanation of your membership and associated cover.

Di and Bruce
FollowupID: 729651

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 20:46

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 20:46
I'm a Silver RAA member but I stick to the minimum cover.

The RAA is a very good organisation and I believe they will help in whatever way possible to get a member out of a spot of bother.

But the premium cover just gives you some extra $$$ coverage and benefits (accommodation, hire car, towing costs etc) - it doesn't provide any better recovery in the remote parts of the country.
AnswerID: 456645

Reply By: Member - Josh- Tuesday, Jun 07, 2011 at 06:51

Tuesday, Jun 07, 2011 at 06:51
We had Racv blue cover (i think it was called) In 3 yrs it saved us about $10,000 in towing and accomodation. We got towed in Cape york (not cheap) without any question. We had 3 weeks accomodation in Coffs Harbour waiting for repairs. It is cheap insurance in my book. They were great to deal with and I would go without it again. We weren't technically living in vic as we had sold our house and were using a friends address but they were fine with that. We did have vic licence. Friends couldn't get the same cover as they were to heavy.

AnswerID: 456659

Follow Up By: Member - Josh- Tuesday, Jun 07, 2011 at 06:54

Tuesday, Jun 07, 2011 at 06:54
We also had a rental car provided while ours was being fixed so we still got to look around. That alone was worth it.

FollowupID: 729745

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