2 map sets on one memory card - How to change between them [Garmin 176C]
Submitted: Saturday, Nov 22, 2003 at 20:17
This Thread has been Archived
Just sent this as a private message to BurnieM [always seems to know about GPS stuff] but thought I'd better post it here in case someone else might know if I can fix my problem.
Just a question on using the 176C. I use it in the car and the boat [no I'm not a capitalist there both buckets but hey.....]
Problem is that I have the bluecharts and the metroguide and a memory card big enough to fit all the maps from each set that I need for both land and sea.
Problem that I have is that I can't seem to toggle between the two when the card is in the 176. If I load it with Bluecharts in the drop down box for maps in the Mapsource program then I can access the sea maps and if I load it with AMG in the box then I can access the land maps.
Is there a way to be able to toggle between them with the 176 that you are aware of.
Its a pain having to load and reload depending on whether I'm going 4WDing or fishing.
I'll be grateful if anyone can let me know of a way.
Reply By: BurnieM - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 11:21
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 11:21
Looks like this was it (it is not always obvious what mapsource is doing);
Not sure but it sounds like you might be only selecting segments from one mapping product in Mapsource on the PC.
In MapSource I select the first mapping product (say WorldMap) then select the segments I want. These will show up in 'Maps' on the left, then I change the top box to the second product (say Metroguide) and select the segments I want from this product. All segments from both products are listed in the 'Map' list with the total number of map segments and the size at the bottom.
I then upload them all at once to the GPSr.
In my GPS V at the map screen I hitMapsource infowhich gives me a list of all segments from both products.
I can toogle up and down and de-select individual segments.
If I hitagain I get options; Enable all, Disable all, Enable Australian Metroguide v4.00, Enable World Map. I can toogle up and down and hittingselects that option.
It works a bit backwards as after I first load 2 products, all segments from both products are enabled (and it just depends on which has the higher priority as to which is displayed).
If I select Enable World Map, it disables Metroguide (all segments).
The Metroguide/Bluechart behaviour should be identical.
Afterwards, in Mapsource on the PC if you select 'Open from GPS' and only select 'Maps' it will download segment information (not all the segments, just info about them) and display which segments you have loaded and you can change map products to confirm you have segments from both products loaded.
Reply By: Moneypit - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 14:49
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 14:49
BurnieM came through again. Works the way I thought it would now and I can stop loading up everytime I swap between car and boat. The explanation provided was easy to follow and worked first time.