where to drive 4b
Submitted: Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 08:21
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GOB member vic
howdy all
just catching up on somereading and looking at post 8676 thinking dont worry about licences worry about where you are going to drive your 4b
listening to 4b show on melb radio yesterday and it seems that steve bracks and his morons along with the greenie morons (dont get me wrong we have to protect our bush "not george w")have decided without to much consultation, the way i heard them, to close the
otways and also parks vic are diiging holes across a lot of tracks in bunyip forest so although "OPEN"cannot be used
.bloke on radio said if you want to see
otways better make it next weekend because that will be last oppertunity
getting very sick of government $20 fishing license close off fishing areas tolls on roads not yet built but got them in with there lies wont belong no 4bs cause no where to drive
just my sorry opinion
grumpy old bugger
steveimagine a 03 gu 4.2tdin the picture
as i am having trouble sizing the picture
Reply By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 14:43
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 14:43
Time for some "track maintanance"...............
It could be time to remind Bracksie that the
Otways are a tinderbox in the summer (remember '83 anyone?), and in the event of the
forrest going up this or next summer, how he and his "radical wing" of the Labor Party and the Greens intend to get fire crews in there if the tracks have been made impassable. This should be taken up with Parks Victoria and Four Wheel Drive Victoria.
Some smart Legal Eagle should do the prep work for a class action against the Greens and Bracksie in the event of a bushfire wiping out surrounding communities and present it to the pollies as a warning. Given Bracks dominance of the Parliament in Victoria he doesnt need to listen to the half-witted, illogical, radical
views of the extreme factions of the both the Labor Party and the Green party. They could be very expensive votes, both in lives and livelyhoods, not to mention financially for Victoria as a whole.
Follow Up By: Old Jack - Monday, Nov 24, 2003 at 18:06
Monday, Nov 24, 2003 at 18:06
one of the problem with these areas is that they become a tinder box because they don't get to be burnt, when a fire starts some one usually runs in and puts it out, nature is not getting to take it's course, want to make things better, get the
bright sparts to light the areas up a few times a year and burn like hell, rather than "Oh no there is another fire lets put it out", we don't have European Pine forest that have a big fire every 100-150 years, our bush has to burn almost anually instead we prevent the fires that keep the fuel loads down from burning. Locking out people from sensitive areas makes sense only if it's done for short term protection, like some winter time trail closures. Some tracks in summer time should really be closed off to prevent people getting trapped in fire Danger areas, but
hay why lock an area up full time? as for making pot holes to keep people out, isn't that will full destruction of public property? It's our parks and forests remind your politions that the people own them, and we employ them to govern for us not them!
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 19:50
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 19:50
Search for
OTWAYS, there was a massive post on this months ago from 4wd Association...
I mentioned it and got shouted down...
Follow Up By: GOB member vic - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 20:27
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 20:27
goodday truckster
yeah i know you posted about this and i have had a couple of emals from vic 4wheel drive but all of a sudden its reality and with them digging potholes in the bunyip
state forest on the tracks its getting worse
steveimagine a 03 gu 4.2tdin the picture
as i am having trouble sizing the picture
Reply By: Nomad - Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 22:18
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003 at 22:18
Don't live in Victoria but grew up there so I know full
well the areas you are talking about.
Seems to me that you blokes ought to give Mr Bracks the old heave Ho next election. You should be lobbying your various clubs and organisations now. Get the ball rolling. I thought Queensland was bad but this bloke of yours obviously has a different agenda. Clearly buying green and radical votes to keep him in power.
Hope you blokes can beat him on thi scause you've got some great country down there that should be available for all to use. That certainly includes the high country where I used to live.
Good Luck